Chapter 17

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I was really confused. Zayn the boy who I had never spoken to before wanted to talk to me. I followed him outside on a little balcony. He lite a cigarette and faced me. 

"Kathryn, I need to talk to you," He said with a shaky voice. "Ok, talk," I said back. 

"Look you have to hear me out. Liam, he uh...-" I cut him off before he could finish. "Look Zayn, I don't want to go to the ball with him." He took a step back, "why?" I focused my eyes on his, "It is just to complicated. Relationships are messy and I don't need that in my life right now." His faced softened as he took a drag of his cigarette, "The lad didn't ask you to be his girlfriend. He asked you on a date," "You don't get it. It isn't just a "date". Y'all are famous it will be all over the news and then people will follow me and shit is going to happen." He shrugged his shoulders, "I don't talk much," "I've noticed," "Let me finish. I don't talk much because I'm an observer." "What the hell does that have to do with me going to the ball with Liam?" 

"It means I take in everything around me and I notice everything. I notice that you try to cover your pain with sarcasm. I notice how you act around Liam and how different it is than around the other boys. I notice how you suddenly aren't so gloomy around him. I notice that you fancy him but are scared. I notice how weak you really are. I notice that you just want the easy way out of this. I notice how you took yourself out of the game before you started. I notice that you need someone Kathryn. " He took a step closer to me, "I notice how much you need him." 

And with that he left me standing on the balcony alone. I took a seat in one of the chairs and it hit me. Zayn was completely right. 


Kathryn came up to the room with a different look on her face. I had never seen it before. "You okay?" I asked when she came into the room. She just nodded, "Yea I'm completely fine. Just thinking," She sat down on the bed and played some music. "what about?" I questioned sitting down on the bed. "Things," I just rolled my eyes at her. "I'm going to shower, so think while I'm gone. I need your help tonight." She nodded and laid down on the bed. 

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