Chapter 10

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It had been a week or two since we had been released from the hospital both of our spirits were low. It was really hard to do things in a wheelchair but we were both thankful we were alive. The boys surprised us randomly trying to make us feel better. Harry came over a lot and usually brought along Liam. The four of us would watch a movie, play cards, talk, and do other things that didn't require any movement.

It sucked not being able to move but I could tell it was killing Kathryn. I would find her time to time watching old dance videos. I would always tell her that it wasn't healthy to do that and everything would be fine. She didn't care one bit, she had lost all hope. 

I heard a knock on the door and wheeled myself over seeing that Kathryn wasn't going to move. "Hey love," It was Harry and Liam. "Hey guys, come on in." They moved in and Harry pushed me into the living room. "So what are you  guys up to?" Harry asked picking me up and moving me on to the couch. "Watching football." They laughed, "You girls watch football?" Liam said jokingly. Kathryn rolled her eyes, "Yes, we are from the south. We grew up with this stuff. It's much better than your soccer," They pretended to be offended. "I've never understood American football," Harry said sitting next to me. "Well prepare to understand it. We get really into these games," 


Liam and I have paid the girls various visit trying to improve their mood. It seemed like everyday Kathryn got a little sadder and Stephanie got skinnier. We got really worried about them and today was the day we were going to try to make everything ok again. 

The girls got really into football shouting at the tv and yelling at the refs. I began to understand it a little, but there were too many rules. The game ended and the girls were pleased with the outcome. "Want to go out to lunch?" I asked when Stephanie turned off the tv. "I'm starved," Kathryn said with a slight smile. It was the first time she showed a little happiness since she had been released from the hospital. I looked over at Stephanie who was fiddling with her bracelets. "What about you?" She slumped down in the couch, "I'm fine. I'll stay, I'm kinda tired." I could see pain in her eyes. "No, I think you should come. It wouldn't be as fun." She sighed, "Ok," I smiled, "Now get dressed so we can go out!" They both groaned and we pushed them into there rooms.

"Pick out something for us, we are crippled," Kathryn demanded and we laughed. I walked to one of the closets and pulled out some shorts and a tank top. I tossed it to Stephanie and she smirked, "I'm not wearing this, give me that pink sweater." I shook my head and grabbed the pink sweater, she smiled. Liam was picking out Kathryn's outfit and she was unsatisfied with his choice. We all laughed because she was so disgusted by his choice. He finally pleased her giving her a sweater with a giraffe on it. 

We went out and decided to go to Nandos. We sat and talked for a while the waiter came to take or order and we all ordered but Stephanie just got water. We all looked at her but she wouldn't meet our eyes. I texted her figuring she didn't want to talk about it. 

You: You alright?

Stephanie: Mhmm. 

You: That doesn't sound ok. I need to talk to you.

Stephanie: I'm fine harry.

You: ok. I still need to talk to you

The waiter gave us our food and we awkwardly ate in silence. Liam tried to lighten the mood but it only worked for a couple of minutes or so. I paid the check and we left. Stephanie wheeled her self out. She didn't wait for me like she usually did. She wasn't making eye contact with anyone. I could tell everyone else was noticing. 


When we got to the flat Harry grabbed my wheelchair and pulled me into my room. He picked me up and placed me on the bed. "Harry, I'm-" He stopped me before I could say anything. "Look, I know your not fine." I looked down. He pulled my chin up making me look him in the eye. "I know you not fine," He repeated again. I began to shake and he pulled me into his arms.

"It's all my fault," was all I managed to blubber out. "What's your fault?" he asked rubbing my back. "Everything. The car wreck, the fact Kathryn is depressed again. It's all my fucking fault."  "How is any of that your fault?" He whipped the tear off my cheek. "Because I wasn't paying attention and we almost died. Now Kathryn might not be able to dance again and she is slipping into depression again. It's my fault its always been my fault." I was crying really hard and Harry was trying his best to soothe me. "None of that is your fault. Don't blame yourself." I shook my head, "Do you know why Kathryn went into depression the first time?" He shook his head. "It was because I left her. Ok, it was all my fault. I left her alone and she..she-" I couldn't even finish my sentences I was crying so much. I regain a bit of my composer, "It was my fault then and it's my fault now."

Harry pulled me even closer to his body and looked me in the eyes, "Look, it wasn't your fault you had to leave. You had no choice. The car accident wasn't your choice either. It happened. Bad things happen, I don't know why but I do know this. We can let them crush us or we can use them to drive us even further in life. I can't sit here and tell you everything is going to be perfect again, but it will get better. Maybe Kathryn won't be able to dance again, maybe she will. We don't know, so we have to be strong for her. We have to be strong for both of you."

Harry's was right. Sitting in the house moping all day wasn't going to help either of us. We had to enjoy our lives. "I guess we have to live while we're young," I said trying to make a joke out of the song that has almost caused the end of my life. He smiled and kissed me slowly. 

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