Chapter 18

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Stephanie went into the shower and left me alone with my thoughts.

Was Zayn right? No....

Yes, he was. 

I needed Liam. What Stephanie had said about me being scared about having someone like me was right. I'm scared of what might happen. I just don't want to get hurt , but maybe taking the easy way out isn't the best thing for me.

I just want to slap myself. I've screwed everything up. How was I going to fix this. I honestly had no idea and he probably invited someone better already. He is just going to have a great time with the supermodel or whatever and completely forget about me. 

I was shaken from my thoughts when Stephanie came out of the shower. "Hey want to help me with my makeup and hair?" I honestly just wanted to sleep but I could tell she was really excited and I wasn't going to kill her joy. "I'd love to but let me shower really quick," "Ok, I'm going to dry my hair." I nodded and went to my shower. 


Kathryn was acting all weird after she talked to Zayn. I figured she was just tired and a little upset she wasn't going to the ball. I knew she wanted to go. She is my best friend I can read her mind practically, as many times she denied she didn't like him and didn't want to go to the ball I knew it was all lies. 

I was drying my hair when someone knocked on the door. 

"Who is it?" I called from inside. "It's Harry," I opened the door and Harry was standing outside. "Uh hey, I wasn't expecting to see you until tonight. Do you want to come inside?" He shook his head, "No, I actually have to get ready myself, but I have to give you this." He handed me two tickets to tonight's masquerade. "Thanks, but Kathryn isn't coming so here," I handed him back one of them but he just pushed it towards me, "Just incase she wants to come, Liam never invited anyone else," I smiled and took the two tickets, "Oh alright, well thank you Mr. Styles," He smirked and I pecked his cheek and closed the door. 

I put the extra ticket on Kathryn's desk and finished drying my hair. When Kathryn came out of the shower she helped me with my hair. We decided on an up-do and Kathryn did it flawlessly. She was really good with hair and makeup. She did a really natural makeup on me because I hate wearing a lot of makeup. After finishing the eyeliner she turned me to the mirror, "You look stunning Steph," I smiled, "Thanks Katsy," I looked at myself in the mirror and was taken away. You could barely see the ugly scar on my face and my eyes sparkled. 

She helped me slip on my dress and got my shoes. The dress hung perfectly on my body and I was so thankful for that. It sparkled just the right way and the shoes were a perfect complement. The sparkle on the heel was just the right touch. 

"I wish you were coming," I said grabbing my mask. "Don't worry you will have fun with out me," She said handing me my clutch. "It won't be the same though," I said wishing I was going to have my best friend with me. "You just have to have fun for me," She smiled a half smile. "I'll try." I said walking out of the room. She noticed the ticket on her desk, "Wait you forgot your ticket," I shook my head, "Nope I have mine. That's yours if you want it," She ran it through her fingers, "Fat chance I'll show up," I turned around in the door way, "Why is that?" "Liam has a date already. I'm not going to show up alone," She set the ticket down. "He never invited anyone else," I said as I hugged her and walked out of the flat. 


"He never invited anyone else," Stephanie's words rang through my mind over and over again. He never had invited anyone else. Could I fix this? I could try, but I had absolutely nothing to wear. 

I ran over to my closet hoping I would find something. Nothing. I went over to Stephanie's but I knew nothing would fit. As I ran my hands through the clothes I found a garment bag with the words for Kathryn scibbled on a sticky note. I quickly unzipped it and found the maroon dress I had tried on at the boutique. Stephanie knew I was going to end up going. I had no idea how but she did and I was beyond thankful for that. 

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