Chapter 20

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"You look beautiful," I told Stephanie as we walked to the carpet. Her cheeks turned a rose color and she smiled, "Not looking too bad your self Mr. Styles," I chuckled at her comment and tightened my grip on her waist.

"Ready?" I asked about to start walking on the rep carpet. "No," She mumbled looking down. "What if they think I'm ugly or what if I trip or-" I cut her off pulling her slightly off the to side and pulling up her mask. Her eyes were dazzling as I looked into them. "None of what they thinks matters Stephanie. I'll be there with you the whole time. You can do it." She nodded smiling slightly, "I just wish Kathryn was here," "Me too love, but sometimes things don't go as we planned," She smiled at me and I guided her back onto the carpet.

We posed for several pictures together. The paps were shouting all sorts of questions at us but we both ignored them just smiling and continuing towards the entrance. 


I had survived my first red carpet and it wasn't that bad. A couple people had been obnoxious but the questions were pretty decent. 

When we got inside we reconfigured our masks and began greeting people. Harry introduced me to several people but with masks on I had no idea who they were. "I'm going to go find Eleanor and have a drink with her while you talk to your famous friends," I whispered to Harry before giving him a quick peck on the cheek and wandering off to find El. 

She was easy to spot considering her dress was full of sparkles. It wasn't an overwhelming amount but it stood out. She looked absolutely flawless. Her and Perrie both. They were stunning girls, Zayn and Louis were lucky.

She was near Louis but I could tell she wanted an escape. I tugged her arm and her face flushed with relief. "I'm so glad you came. I love coming to these events but there's just so many people I don't know and Lou is always talking to important people. I don't know what to do with myself!" I giggled knowing exactly what she meant. "It is so overwhelming, I need a drink," I proclaimed to her as she nodded in agreement. 


i couldn't believe what I was doing. I was never one to do things this spontaneously and defiantly never for a boy. But I was doing it for my own good. Zayn was right I really need Liam. I had to save him before it was too late. 

I quickly did my hair ad makeup and it came out really well. My hair was is loose waves and I had dark eye makeup on it worked really well with the dress. Thank goodness for Stephanie or else I wouldn't have anything to wear. 

I called a cab and waited. I began formulating a plan in my mind. 

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