Chapter 11

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These last couple of weeks had been hell. My only outlet was being taken away. I couldn't even walk let alone dance. It was horrible. Dancing relieved all my stress and took off all the pressure I had. Now that I couldn't dance I felt my self slipping away.

Stephanie noticed and always told me it would be ok, but I've stopped listening. I've lost hope. I still watch my dance videos and I know its not healthy. It's the only thing I have left to hang on to. If I can't dance again I don't know what I'll do. 

Steph wasn't taking this to well either. She was wasting away to nothing. Probably dropped 10 pounds in the last couple days. And that's a lot when you pretty much weighed 90 pounds. It seemed like the both of us where in this never ending circle of hell. We would get sick, gain strength, and then something would tear us both down. 


We got back from lunch and Harry quickly pushed Stephanie away. Liam and I sat alone in the living room. "How you been feeling?" Liam asked me. He was really caring and always wanted to make sure I was alright. "Uh, I'm feeling a lot better injury wise, but I'm worried about Steph." He nodded, "That's great love. Don't worry about Stephanie Harry has that under control. I think you should be a little more worried about you self. Don't you?" I shook my head. I've always put other people before myself. "No," He came and sat next to me, "Well, I'm worried about you." "Why Liam?" He sighed, "because every time I come over your watching old dance videos, the bags under your eyes get a little darker, and you don't laugh as much, well you don't laugh at all."

Why was he worrying about me. It was only a month ago we were bitter enemies. "That's not true," I mumbled out. "No, it is true Kathryn. When was the last time you thought about yourself?" I shrugged, "Exactly, your letting your self slip into darkness. You have so much potential. You just took the negative out of everything the doctor said." He put his arm around me and rubbed my arm. "That's what I do Liam. I'm a realistic person. I saw my leg, it was destroyed. I'm never going to be able to dance again. It isn't negative it's just realistic." A tear escaped my eye and he quickly whipped it away. "There's always hope Kathryn. You know what my grandmother used to tell me, Hope never abandons you; you abandon it." 


I hated to see Kathryn like this. Something about seeing her hurt made my heart break. I had an idea to help her. "Come with me," I helped her into her chair and began to wheel Kathryn out the door, "Don't think I have an option," I laughed and I think I saw a slight smile emerge on her face. 

"Where are we going?" She asked sounding annoyed. "You'll see," I said keeping my eyes on the road. I pulled up at a familiar place. I herd Kathryn sigh and I looked at her. "Why the hell are we here?" I didn't answer and got out the car and went to help Kathryn into the wheelchair. "Liam stop. I don't want to go in there." She was yelling at me but I was doing my best to ignore her. I pulled her into the studio where she had kissed me. "Liam, I don't want to be here. It's making me even more sad. Honestly why are we here." I turned on some music. I could see the sadness in her eyes. 

"Come here," I asked her and she pointed to her leg. "You forgot I can't walk," I smirked and walked over to her. "Stand," She rolled her eyes and stood on one leg. "Liam what are you doing." I gently lifted her and place her feet on mine. "I'm showing you that you can still dance." I pecked her cheek lightly.


Liam bringing me to the studio was possibly the stupidest thing he could have done, or so I thought. He had placed me on his feet and began to sway to the music. His words played over and over again in my head while we dance. I'm showing you that you can still dance. 

The song ended and he sat me down on the floor in front of him. He pulled me in closer to him and I rested my head on his chest. "Thank you," I whispered hoping he would hear me. I assume he did because he leaned closer to me and kissed me. 

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