Chapter 8

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I woke up and I honestly had no idea where I was. I was still in Harry's sweatpants but I never remember going to bed. I rolled over and I was nose to nose with Harry. A small gasp escaped my mouth and a hand moved over my mouth hushing me. I figured he wasn't a morning person. I began to stand up but he pulled me closer to him. 

"Harry," I said struggling to leave his grasp. "I'm cold,"  He mumbled. "So am I your blanket or something," I stopped struggling and he loosened his grip. "Maybe if you put a shirt on you wouldn't be so cold," He pulled me closer to him, "I like this better," I closed my eyes and a wave of sleepiness came over me. 

"Stephanie...Stephanie," Someone cooed into my ear. I rolled over whipping my eyes. My eyes met Harry's. I jumped back a little. "Good morning," He said with a smile. "Uh, good morning," I was still really confused. I sat up in the bed and got out.

"Make me breakfast?" Harry asked with puppy dog eyes. "If you like cereal and water, I can make you breakfast." He laughed, "Not much of a cook," I shook my head, "Horrible, Kathryn makes my dinner every night." I went to the kitchen and poured two bowls of cereal and grabbed water. Harry shuffled over to the bar and sat down. He still wasn't wearing a shirt. 

"This is really good cereal," He joked. "Thanks, I've perfected my pour." He laughed. I checked my phone and texted Kathryn.

You: Hey where are you?

Katsy: Just woke up at the apartment.

You: Ok I'll be home soon. Wanna shop? 

Katsy: Is that even a question? Get your ass homeeee 

You: be there in like 15 ;)

I finished my cereal and put the bowls in the dish washer. "Hey I gotta go. Thanks for last night." I pecked his cheek and went to the door. "What are you up to today?" He asked opening the door. "Kat and I are having a girls day." He nodded, "Maybe you guys would want to hang out tonight?" I smiled, "Maybe so Mr. Styles." He smirked and i waved goodbye. 


"Hey," Stephanie said as she walked through the door. "Hey where were you last night?" She smiled, "I was with Harry," I widened my eyes. "Details!" She laughed, "Nothing happened I just went over to his house after the fitting and I fell asleep on the couch," I rolled my eyes, "Boring!" "Get dressed we're going out," She said laughing.

I grabbed my over sized American flag sweater and some jean shorts. Steph went more casual than usual putting on a flowly button up and some jean shorts. "Ready?" I asked pulling my hair out of the bun letting it hang down.I walked over and pulled out my blue heels. "Uh, yea hold on," She made a perfect messy bun and grabbed her neon pink stilettos. "A little bright don't you think" She laughed, "I'm feeling spontaneous, and these match perfectly. Look at you, I like those shoes." I rolled my eyes and we headed out. 

We went into various shops and then we went to lunch. "So what did you do yesterday?" Steph asked munching on a fry. "I ate lunch with Niall and then I went to dinner with uh, Liam," Her mouth dropped open at Liam's name. "You did what now?" I shrugged, "I had dinner with Liam." "And you didn't kill him?" I laughed. "We actually got along pretty well. I shouldn't have judged him like that." She was in shock, "What was with this change in heart all of a sudden?" I remembered my conversation with Niall, "Uh, Niall told me that I should give him a chance, so I did," She smiled, "I see how it is. You'll listen to a cute Irish boy, but not your best friend," I laughed, "Pretty much," She rolled her eyes. 

We finished eating and got into the car Stephanie was driving and we blasted the radio. Live While We're Young came on and Steph turned the volume even louder. I had learned most of the words because living with her she played it a lot. We were both singing and having so much fun. 

The world went black.

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