Chapter 16

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"Harry come here please," I heard on of our stylist call out. The boys and I were at our fitting for our tuxes for the ball. We were getting pretty close to the date and we were cramming in last minute things. I walked toward her and she handed me a garment bag and I went to change into it. 

I came out and all Niall and Liam were out getting their tuxes fixed. I stepped onto the pedastol and someone began sticking pins into the suit fitting it to my body. 

"Do you have a date Hazza?" Niall asked while picking out a tie. "Yea, I'm taking Stephanie," I said with a smirk. "That seems like a lovely date," He winked at me, "What about you Liam?" Liam shrugged, "Uh, not yet," Niall just nodded and pointed to a skinny black tie. "Who is the lucky girl your taking Nialler?"

"You'll see," He answered back in a seductive voice. "You are crazy," I chuckled back at him. 

When we finished our fitting we all went out to nandos for lunch. We discussed dates. I was taking Stephanie, Zayn was taking Perrie, Louis was taking Eleanor, Niall was taking "mystery girl", and Liam wasn't taking anyone. 

"Management is going to kill you. I hope you know that," Louis said while cutting his chicken. Liam nodded, "I just don't want to take anyone that's all," I knew he was lying. I decided I would talk to him after lunch. 


All through lunch the boys were questioning me about my date. I didn't to go with anyone. Well, the girl I wanted to go with didn't want to go with me. This must be the anxiety high school boys felt during homecoming. I hated it. 

"Liam come over to my flat I need your help," Harry said while we were in the elevator. "Haz why can't I come over! I bet I can help better than Li!" Louis shouted and we all laughed. "I need Liam for this, sorry boo bear," Harry said patting the Doncaster boy on the back while he pretended to be upset. 

"What do you need Har?" I asked entering his flat. "Nothing, just wanted to talk," He said walking to the kitchen. I figured he was going to talk to me about not inviting anyone instead he shocked me. 

"I think I really like Stephanie," He said sipping his drink. I nodded, "She is a lovely girl Harry," I was happy for my friend but I felt a stab of pain. I wished I could say the same about Kathryn, but it just isn't the same. "I'm sure she feels the same about you," I said with a reassuring smiled. He smiled, "I hope so. She just makes me feel special. I feel like I need to protect her and needs me there." Harry had never talked to me about a girl this way. "I support you but I just want you to keep in mind her situation. The hate might hurt her more than a regular girl," 

Harry knew exactly what I was talking about. Our girlfriends get a lot of unnecessary hate. The "fans" never give them a chance to prove themselves. The Larry shippers wouldn't be too happy about this and Harry knew that too. Stephanie was fragile. One little thing might tear her down, he had to protect her. 

"I know Liam, but I'm willing to protect her." He said with a steady voice. I knew he would. 


"I can't wait to get these damn things off!" Kathryn exclaimed on the way to the hospital. I giggled, "Really, I think I'm gonna miss these contraptions." She just rolled her eyes. 

When we got there the doctors sawed off our casts and had us wait on the tables. I analyzed my leg. It was really skinny, hairy, and bruised. Not a pretty sight, this was going to be fixed. My arm was pretty much back to normal just a couple bruises, but those would go away soon. I began to think about the cut on my face. It was healing nicely but no doubt there would be a scar. 

I looked at Kathryn and she looked like a kid in a candy store. She was smiling so big. It made me smile. Things were going to get better I told myself. Things were going to change for the better. 

After running some test and getting x-rays the doctor came in, "Alright girls you are free to go. I just want you to take it easy for the first week or so." Kathryn and I both stood up right then. We were so ready to leave. It felt funny walking on my leg again. It took some getting used to. 


Today was the best day I've had in a while. I felt genuinely happy. I was finally walking on two feet again and I couldn't wait to dance again. I knew I had to take it easy so I was going to wait at least a week until I put on my point shoes again. 


It was the day of the ball and Steph and I went out to get some food and shop around. We ran into Louis and Zayn at one of the stores. 

"Hey ladies!" Louis said with a hyper voice like always. Zayn just waved quietly. He really didn't say much to either one of us. We waved back at the two boys. "What are y'all doing today?" I asked picking up my bags. "Nothing we just went out for a stroll, we are headed back to the building." Louis answered in a funny tone. That boy was always making jokes. "Same here, we can walk together," Stephanie suggested taking Louis' side. Zayn and I followed in silence until we got to the building. 

"Kathryn, can I uh.. I need to talk to you," Zayn said with a shaky voice. I just nodded confused. 

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