Chapter 13

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I dropped Kathryn off at her flat and met up with Harry to go to the meeting. "What do you think this is for?" He asked getting on the elevator. "Who knows, it's something different every time." He nodded and we drove to the meeting. 

"Hey guys," A peppy Louis said from the meeting table. We waved and took a seat around the table. Our manager came and began to talk to us. 

"Boys, you will be hosting a masquerade ball in 3 months. Now we know that is far away but we want all of you to bring a date and sometimes it takes a while for that to happen. It is going to be black tie. There will be a red carpet and you are excepted to walk it.  It's going to be fun. Make sure you have a tux and a date." I was not expecting that to come out of their mouths. We all nodded and were excused from the meeting. 

"Well, I know who I'm gonna take" Louis said with a smile. The other boys and I sighed. This was going to be a challenge. I knew Harry had an idea and I felt like I did also. It was probably going to be hard to get her to come with me though. I began forming a plan in my head. 


We were having a masquerade. I have never been to one but they seem pretty cool. Very mysterious and fun. I needed at date. Names flashed through my mind, but one kept repeating itself. Stephanie. I wanted to ask her, but I wasn't sure if she would be out of her casts. I decided to call the doctor and find out.

"Hello? Is this Stephanie's doctor?" I said hearing a man's voice on the other end. "Yes, and who am I speaking too?" "Her friend Harry. I was wondering when she will be out of her casts?" "Ah, let me see. I think it will be in about 2 and a half months or so." I smiled to myself, I was going to ask her. "Thank you," I hung up the phone and thought of how I was going to ask her. 

You: Hey dinner tonight?

Steph: Heyy sorry I can't :( really tired. How about lunch tomorrow?

You: That sounds great ;)

I smiled locking my phone. My plan was a little delayed but it would still be nice. I went back to my flat and invited Liam to have dinner. 

"You know who your going to invite?" Liam asked sitting at my bar. "I have an idea," I smirked and he laughed. "Stephanie?" I nodded. "She is a good choice," Liam said sipping his water. "I know, what about you?" I began to prepare some tacos. "Not sure, I was thinking Kathryn but I'm not sure." I knew he fancied her. "She is lovely," I reassured him. He smiled and nodded. We changed the subject and talked about work. He left around midnight and I went to sleep. I had a big day tomorrow. 


I woke up and check my phone. I couldn't remember when I had fallen asleep but it was 11:30 and I was supposed to meet Harry for lunch. Shit. I looked in the mirror and was frighten by my appearance. My cut was really puffy and my hair was a mess. I hopped over to the bathroom and got a shower. 

I picked out some lace shorts and a black button up. I had to keep my outfits simple until I was out of these damn casts. I was getting crutches soon though so things would be easier. I grabbed my phone and I had a text from Harry. 

Harry: I'll pick you up at 12 

Crap. I had to hurry I looked at the clock and it was 11:50. My hair is a mess and my cut is gross. I put some concealer on the cut and it looked more like a scar now. I had no idea who was going to hire me for modeling with this ugly scar on my face. I brushed my hair out and threw it into a high pony. 

I wheeled myself to the door and went to the lobby. Harry was there and he came to push me. "Hey love, how are you?" He said pushing me to the car. "I'm good. I slept amazing!" I laughed while he helped me into the car. "That makes two of us." 

While we were driving Live While We're Young came on. He tried to change the channel but I stopped him. "Sing it," I demanded while laughing. He shook his head and smiled. "Please it's the least you could do after all, this song almost killed me," He smirked and his part came on. I nudged him and he belted out the song. I busted out laughing while he sang to me. "Now you have to sing for me," He said jokingly. I shook my head, "I sing like a dying cow. No thank you," He snickered and I hit his arm, We can't all be talented like you Mr. Styles."


We got to the cafe and I helped her into the chair. "What are you going to get?" I asked curious if she was going to eat. "Uh, probably a salad or something like that. I'm not really hungry." Her voice trailed off in the last sentence. I looked at her. She looked so fragile, her arms were really skinny and so was the rest of her body. It didn't look bad but she didn't look healthy. I knew she wasn't eating unless Kathryn or I forced her too. "You sure you don't want a steak or something? We could split one?" She just shook her head.

The waiter came and took our orders and I was going to ask her to the ball. For some reason I got really nervous and my insides were twisting around in circles. I never go this way about any girl, but then I remember Stephanie isn't just "any girl". I decided to begin my plan. 

"Let's play 20 questions," I blurted out. She looked up with a confused face."I want to know you better," I said calming down a little.  She nodded, "Uh, ok go for it." 

I started easy.

"Favorite color," "Orange"

"Favorite Singer, besides me," She laughed, "Taylor Swift," 

"Favorite Song?" "Red, Taylor swift." 

"Why?" She shrugged"It's the story of my life pretty much," 

"Favorite movie?" "Mean Girls. These questions are boring Mr. Styles. Spice it up." 

I laughed, "Why do you call me Mr. Styles and not Harry," She smirked, "Harry is too mainstream," We both laughed at her sarcastic answer. 

"Why do you model?" "It is my passion. It makes me feel special." 

"Who is your favorite boy in One Direction?" "Um, this is hard. I'd have to say.....Niall," She playfully winked at me. 

I asked a bunch of other stupid questions and we laughed a lot. She had a really nice sense of humor. "This is you last one, better make it good," She joked.

"Would you like to go to the masquerade with me?" 

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