Chapter 14

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"Will you go to the masquerade with me?" Harry had said to me with a smirk on his face. I was stunned. What masquerade? I was extremely confused and he noticed. "The boys and I are hosting a masquerade ball." I nodded and he continued, "And I was wondering if you would like to be my date," 

"Uh, don't you have to take someone famous?" I said and he chuckled. "No I don't always have to be with a famous person Stephanie," I rolled my eyes, "I don't think a girl with a huge scar on her face and broken limbs is a good date for you Mr. Styles," I sighed. I wanted to go with him, but I would be seen and I looked like a train wreck. "It is in three months, your cast will be off by then," He said reassuringly. I pointed to the scar, "Ok but this won't. Harry I think you should find a date who doesn't look like..." My voice trailed off. He sat up straight, "Like what Stephanie," I looked him in the eyes, which was a horrible idea, his eyes were starring straight at me. "Like me. I'm a mess. A skinny, scar faced, mess." I looked down at my hands.

He pulled my chin up so I was looking into his piercing eyes again. "Your not a mess and I don't want to go the ball with anyone but you." I smiled, but I still didn't believe him. "I just don't think it is a good idea," "Why not?" I shrugged, "Because you know its a great idea and you just don't want to admit it," He said with a smirk. "Now it is settled, you will come with me," He winked playfully and I smiled. 

I had to find something to wear. 


 "Guess what!" A high pitched voice shouted from the door way. "What. Wait let me guess. You got new shoes," I said laughing at Stephanie's excitement. She rolled her eyes, "Don't be so mean, and if I got new shoes don't pretend like you wouldn't wear them." She said sitting on my bed. "So are you going to tell me the news or do I have to read your mind." I said and she looked up from her phone. "Oh, right. I got distracted. I'm going to a masquerade with Harry!" She announced with a smile from ear to ear. "That is awesome!" I was excited for her. She seemed to really like him. "I bet Liam will ask you," she said poking my side. I shook my head, "He has famous friends for that. And plus, if he asked I wouldn't say yes," I wasn't in the mood for parties. I didn't need that right now and I for sure didn't need a relationship. I just needed to be alone. 

"Don't lie to yourself Kat." She said getting up and rolling herself to the living room. "I'm not." I screamed after her. "Whatever," She answered back. 

Ug, she dioesn't get it. I don't want to have feelings for Liam. I don't need them. I sometimes fell them but I push them away quickly. I don't need a relationship, my life is pretty sucky right now. I don't have dance to clear my mind so my thoughts have been all jumbled up in my mind. I hate it. 

I needed to stop being bitter because tomorrow we wold finally be on crutches.


"Liam its me," Harry called from outside my flat. I went an opened the door. "Beer?" He shook his head and went to the couch. "I asked her," He was smiling. I could tell he was really excited to be going with her. "That's great Harry!" I congratulated him sitting down next to him. "Who are you going to take?" I shrugged, "I was thinking Kathryn but I'm not sure. Maybe I'll go alone." "I don't think that is going to work Liam, management said-" I cut him off mid sentence. "I know what they said but honestly I don't want to take anyone." He sighed, "I think you should ask Kathryn." I nodded. I got my phone out and texted her. 

You: Hey want to go to lunch tomorrow?

Kat: Uh, im getting crutches so maybe after

You: Ok let me know

Kat: Will do

I really was hoping she would text me. I needed to ask her. 

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