Chapter 3

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Last night had been really interesting. Personally I was just glad it was over.

I was rudely awakened with a shoe to the face and a sarcastic comment about modeling. Typical Kathryn.

I had my first runway show tonight. It was really important because it was my evaluation for the agency. I was already freaking out. I decided to go on a run to help clear my nerves. I got ready and grabbed my beats. I went to the elevator and pressed the button. 

I was already blasting my pump up music, which was hard core rap. The elevator stopped on various floors. Everyone who got on gave me the "One Over glance" I was suddenly regretting my choice of attire. I was in a sports bra and spandex. I figure the next time I go out I would wear a shirt. 

On the last floor we stopped on a familiar face got on. It was Louis. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I was holding back all my urge to jump on him. Play it cool. When I got off I felt someone tap my back. I turned around and took off my headphones. "Hey, your that girls friend from yesterday right?" Louis asked with a slight smile. Shit they remembered. "Uh, yea and I'm really sorry. She was really tired and I-" He interrupted me. "No need to apologize love. It was hilarious, she was quite a hit." I laughed, "Yea well she pretty much hates you guys." He laughed, "Well you have to try to change that then," "Trust me, I have." He smiled, "I uh gotta go," I said putting my headphones on and waving goodbye. 


I probably spent a majority of last night laughing my ass off about what happened at Nando’s. Steph kept standing up for them, but I could tell it was hard for her not to laugh. It was pretty damn funny to me. We stayed up all night just laughing and catching up. It felt like it had been so long since we had last done that. God I forgot how much I missed her. She really was the other half of me. I look back and realize that she was in every big moment, memory, laugh, heartache, and experience. I think that’s how I know she really is my best friend. 

When I woke up there was a piece of pizza stuck to my face, I reminded myself to stop going to bed while eating. Steph wasn't up yet and I checked the clock. 9:30. Shit, I was going to be late I had to be in the studio in 30 minutes. I ran to the closet and threw on my nude tights and black leotard, pulling my high waisted jean shorts, white blousy top, and tan cardigan over. I shoved my wrap skirt and point shoes into my bag. I did my hair in the "perfect" ballerina bun and slipped on my combat boots. 

I was on my way out and decided to wake up Stephanie. I grabbed a shoe and threw it at her. "Hey get up the world of skinny, anorexic girls awaits." She moaned and sat up. "What the hell, its so early." I laughed, "Its 9:30." She shrugged, "That's still early," She wrinkled her nose at me and I blew her a kiss. She buried herself back into her bed. That girl loved to sleep. 

When I finally got to the studio I was surrounded with a familiar smell, floor polish. No matter what country I'm in the studio is my home. I went into the room and breathed in the smell of wood polish. I knew the smell anywhere. I laced up my shoes and began to dance. I practiced one of my favorite pieces. Aurora's solo from Sleeping Beauty, the music began and the rest of the world was put on hold while I danced. 

Whenever I dance I lose myself and just let my body take control. I closed my eyes and felt so free as I went through the steps. When I finished I was bowing to the floor. I quickly snapped back into reality when I herd someone else there. I looked up and met eyes with the last person I would have wanted to see here. 

Liam. Something about him being there put me over the edge.

"What are you doing here? This studio is reserved, or wait let me guess. You thought since you’re famous you could just waltz in." He shook his head. "I signed up for this studio space at 10 and it is 10." I rolled my eyes. "What the hell is your problem?" He said firmly, "What you didn't enjoy all your fans at Nando's yesterday?" "As a matter of fact, no I didn't really enjoy being ripped apart while trying to have a meal with my mates. Sometimes we want to be normal too." I held my hands up pretending to surrender. "I didn't catch you name?" He added. "Kathryn." I said shortly, "My friends call me Kat. Oh, and the girl who was with me is Stephanie." He nodded, "So Kat-" I stopped him. "I said my FRIENDS call me Kat." He smiled, "Ok, Kathryn, I guess you and Stephanie have some sort of deep dark hate for me and my band mates?" His accent was so freaking hot. "Nah, just me, Steph has an awful taste in music and probably dreams about kissing you guys. While I have an impeccable taste of music and I would much rather make out with Chris Martin from Coldplay." He smirked, "Ouch, that hurts..." He put his hand over his heart pretending to be in pain, "But I think I could snog a lot better than some middle aged guy." I don't know what came over me but I just walked up to him and said, "There's only one way to tell," I pushed my lips against his.

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