[ Gintoki ]

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Sakata Gintoki is not a man with many faces. All the expressions you have seen on his face can be counted on one hand— maybe one finger, if you categorize them into the theme of varying looks of boredom and laziness. Those dead fish eyes of his show so many wonders of flat tones and dullness, even paint watchers would be green with envy.

Sakata Gintoki is not a man with many faces. 

But that’s something you wish was true. 

His deep cardinal eyes are as fragile as glass, and the lightest touch would be able to break them into small pieces. Hesitation. Fear. They paint over his mask so easily, you wonder if there even was one in the first place. 

Don’t. I’m not good for you,” he rasps, anguish coated in his tone. “Don’t even think about falling for me.”

You know this was coming, but you can’t stop the tears threatening to spill. “Gintoki,” he isn’t looking at you. “Please. Don’t do this.” His gaze never flits away from the concrete floor to look at you. Not once at all. 

The dam spills onto your cheeks, and your frustration overflows. “For god’s sake… Gintoki! Please look at me for once! If you want to leave whatever—” you hesitate. What exactly are you two? “—thing we have or don’t, you might as well have the decency to look at me!”

His fingers clench into his fists, then his sights are all on you.

“Stop. Just stop what you’re doing. This—” he gestures to your bodies, three feet apart, but miles away, “—is nothing. Was nothing. There’s no damn thing! Forget about it! You’ll do yourself a big favor.”

His footsteps echo in your ears. And with each step away from you, he breaks your heart a bit more. The tears running down your cheeks are searing pain, but inside, you feel nothing but the kiss of winter.

There’s only one man capable of conducting such a painful orchestra.

“If you really loved me, you wouldn’t have left!” You cry, hoarsely. “You don’t leave the people you love that easily! Gintoki… y-you liar!

The echoing stops.

“…You.. you don’t know a thing.” His footsteps thump quick and harsh against the ground, “You don’t know how hard it is,” and it reminds you of a speeding train without brakes. “How hard it is to watch you smile and laugh, knowing that I’m the one who’ll take that all away!” 

It burns, the way his fingers dig into your shoulders; but it’s something you’d rather have than the icy cold of loneliness he leaves in his wake.

“You’re a damn idiot! People leave because they love you! They love you enough to know that them being with you is a car crash waiting to happen!”

The pressure on your shoulders dissipates, but his tight embrace whisks your breath away. “The people who love you leave, because it’s the only thing they can do to protect you.”


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