Chapter 4

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Negan's POV:

We've been in this new shit world for about 4 months. I've taught Caitlan to fight, and use a gun and I'm pretty impressed. She's a natural. She's always been athletic too. Considering she'd always go on morning runs with me.

For the past four months we've only had to move once. We managed to stay at the first countryside spot for two months. And this new spot we've been at some sort of Lake District. I managed to catch some fish in the lake for dinner. We came across this one guy, Simon who has stuck with us. "You ok Cait darling?" I asked my little girl as we ate dinner. "Yeah dad, just a bit tired." She yawned. "Get to bed then missy, I'll be there in a bit." I smiled. She got up and kissed my cheek. "Night daddy." "Night sweetheart." I gave her a kiss on her cheek before she and Simon said goodnight and she headed inside the tent.

"She looks just like her mother." I said quietly. "What happened to her mother, if I'm ok asking?" Simon asked. "Cancer." I replied. "Shit man, I'm sorry." Simon said sympathetically. I just told him it's ok and I headed to bed.

Cait was asleep in the big sleeping bag, shivering like crazy. I got changed into my pyjamas and got in next to my little girl. Caitlan snuggled up to me as soon as I got in. "It's ok baby. Daddy's here." I said quietly and cuddled my baby girl. Her shivering stopped almost immediately. "Daddy, I don't wanna die." I heard my little girl say. I lifted my baby girl's chin up so she could look at me. "I'll keep you safe baby." I can't lose my baby girl. "I'm scared daddy." She had a tear roll down her face. "Hey, it's ok to be scared baby." I held my baby girl so close to me. She cried for a few minutes. "Let's try and get to sleep darling, are you warm?" "Yeah daddy. Please don't stop cuddling me though." "Don't worry baby. These arms will be staying wrapped around you until tomorrow morning." I smiled at my Cait, and she smiled back at me. A couple minutes later she dozed off in my arms. I fell asleep just about straight after.

Six months later...

We managed to stay at the Lake District for about another six months. Simon went on a lot of runs which kept us going with food and other supplies. That was before the walkers had invaded.

"There's so many Negan!" Simon shouted. I took Caitlan aside. "Sweetheart I need you to run. Find a new group for a while. There's just too many of the walkers." I started welling up. "What? No daddy please. I can't leave you!" I pulled my baby girl into a huge hug. "Darling, I promise you that no matter how long it takes. I will find you. I know your claustrophobia is bad and if you tried killing them dead fucks coming for us, you'll have a massive panic attack and I can't do that to you baby. You still have the locket mom gave you. I promise as long as you have the locket you have me too. But no matter how long it takes me, I will never give up looking for you. I promise." Cait was sobbing her heart out. I could feel my heart breaking but I got a rucksack full of supplies and some weapons for my little girl and she gave me a huge hug. "Please don't make me let go daddy." She sobbed. I hugged her back for a few seconds and I didn't want to let go myself. "Baby you got to run. They're coming." I kissed my daughter on her head and she kissed my cheek. Then she ran. I wiped my tears away before she ran out of sight and I helped Simon with the walkers before we moved on...

A few hours later...

Caitlan's POV:

I've been running for about four hours. Obviously I had a few minute rests. But I've always been fit and active. I'd do workout sessions and go on runs with dad all the time before the apocalypse started. Back when momma was still here. Momma....

My heart started to ache. I miss momma and daddy so much. I held the locket and opened it to see the photo of mom and dad. Those smiles on their faces just warmed my heart. Why'd this damn zombie crap have to happen? Why did cancer have to exist! I'd still be at home cuddled up on the sofa with my parents if none of this had happened!

I was walking about another half an hour and I saw a prison. But I also saw a group of people too. I approached them. They all pointed their weapons at me, but I put my arms up surrendering. "N-no please. I'm alone. Walkers attacked our camp. My dad told me to run. I can help. Please. I'm a good fighter and I'm a fast runner. I've been running for four hours." Everyone looked impressed. They accepted me. I told them my name and they all introduced themselves: Rick, Lori (Who was heavily pregnant), their son Carl (who was my age), Daryl, Carol, T-Dog, Herschel, Glenn, Maggie and Beth.

I helped them get rid of the walkers and we entered the prison once we got rid of them all. We went inside Cell Block C. "Umm Mom, Dad? Could Caitlan maybe share my cell?" Carl asked his parents. They decided after a small discussion that I could. "Will the cell doors be closed? It's just I am extremely claustrophobic." "You can keep the door open." Lori smiled. "It's getting late. We'll talk more in the morning." Rick said.

Me and Carl chose a cell. "You can have top bunk if you want." I said quietly. Carl smiled at me and set up his bed. I set up mine and I went straight to sleep. Me and Carl both said goodnight to each other. I know daddy is still alive. He always keeps his promises so I know I'll see him again. I just hope it ain't too long. I really hope he finds me and maybe even join this group. I miss you so much daddy. I love you! Please find me. I thought to myself as I dozed off.

That's chapter 4 guys! I really hope you like it! Please comment and let me know

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