Chapter 11

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Caitlan's POV:

So we've just intercepted the Alexandrians. The Saviours took an RV off Eugene so me and dad are sitting in it, waiting for our cue. I didn't bring Lucille junior because I wanted dad to have his big entrance. But I've got my knife and gun.

I'm sat next to dad on the RV sofa. "You ok baby girl?" Dad asked. "Yeah daddy. Just feel a bit sick." I smiled weakly. Dad pulled me into a hug. "You'll be ok baby. I'll be with you out there. Oh you deserve a big entrance too so I'll go out first then I want you to wait for my cue. Deal?" I smiled at dad. "Deal." I leant up and kissed his cheek. Then there was a knock on the door. "It's show time! Remember, wait for my cue." Dad winked at me before heading outside.

I heard dad outside, but couldn't make out what he was saying. Until he said, "now there's someone I want you assholes to meet!" That's my cue. Deep breath Cait. Deep breath. I opened the door and stepped outside. I saw the shock on everyone's face. Do they think that I'm gonna be killed? Have they not seen my weapons yet? "Ah. Everyone, I believe you all know my daughter, Caitlan!" Dad put his arm around me, proudly. I smirked and I saw the horror on everyone's faces. "You little bitch you lied to us!" Rosita snarled and she got up and punched me in the face. Fuck that stung. Arat and Laura pinned her down. "You wanna know why? When I found out that my dad was alive I wasn't gonna admit to you that he's my dad. You'd have killed me. But did I do anything to put any of you in danger? No because you guys were like family to me! Until I got locked in that fucking cell!" I snarled back. I saw guilt on everyone's faces. "Put her back with the others!" Dad ordered. "Now I get it's emotional for all y'all so that first hit was free, although you've no idea how pissed I am that you hit my baby girl! Before she came out I told you that I'm gonna kill one of you assholes for killing a bunch of my men. So who's it gonna be?" Dad walked over to Carl. And he bent down. "Lighten up kid. Cry at least." He then looked at Rick. "Is this your kid? Holy shit this is your kid! Wait a minute. You're the one that fucked my baby girl then broke her heart! I should take your other eye out for that!" I felt myself blush and tears forming. I looked at Carl and he looked a bit hurt, guilty and angry. Dad paced up and down amongst everyone. "I simply cannot decide... I have an idea!" He started to point Lucille at everyone and then he started to do 'Eeny Meeny Miney Moe...' well I sniggered a bit because we'd play that game with momma when I was a kid. Dad finished on Abraham. He bashed his skull in. "S-suck my nuts!" Dad was beating the holy hell out of the skull until it was nothing but mush. "Did you hear that? He said suck my nuts!" Dad laughed. "Oh my goodness! Guys, look at my dirty girl!" He was waving Lucille about and put her in Rosita's face. Before anything else happened, Daryl got up and punched dad in the face. Dad stumbled back but I ran and caught him. Dwight said he could kill Daryl but dad told him to put him back in line. "Now I told you that the first was free, so no exceptions!" He then hit Glenn, his eye popped out of the socket. "M-Maggie I'll f-find you." Dad looked at Maggie. "I genuinely am sorry. I really am. But like I said. No exceptions!" And he bashed Glenn's skull until it was nothing but mush. Rick then threatened to kill dad but dad just grabbed him, dragged him to the RV and drove off.

"Why?" Carl asked. "Why What Carl? Why didn't I tell you that Negan is my dad? I already answered that! I know you didn't have anything to do with putting me in that cell, but you cheated on me! You broke my heart. And do you wanna know what happened when I was in that cell? I had a massive ass panic attack, blacked out and had a seizure. One so bad my wrist ended up all cut and bloody! I didn't wake up until the next fucking morning! And that's all on these assholes! If I wasn't put in that cell or if you didn't cheat on me Carl, I could have tried to talk to my dad to not kill Glenn and Abraham and even have everyone working together. But for some reason I'm still in love with you Carl! However, I have one thing to tell you all: I am Negan. Always have been, always will be. And Rosita if you even try to move, I will not hesitate to blow your brains out. Which is something I really don't want to do because people are a resource!" Well the Saviours ended up cheering and applauding me. "And what about that bat? You approve of it do you?" Michonne asked. "Approve of it? I was there when dad made her! And I'm the one that named her!" I smirked.

It's dawn now and dad and Rick has just got back. "Now that trip was to change how you look at me Rick! Ah what have we missed here?" Dad dragged me into a hug. "Nothing much. Just telling everyone that I am Negan and if Rosita moved I wouldn't hesitate to kill her but I don't want to as people are a resource." I smiled at dad. "Now that is my girl! She understands but you assholes don't!" He said proudly. Rick was giving dad the evil eye again. "Looks like that trip taught you nothing. Kid get over here!" Carl slowly walked over and dad took his belt off. "You a southpaw?" "Am I a what?" "A lefty Carl." I said. Carl shook his head and dad put the belt around his arm, got a pen off Simon and marked his arm. He made Carl get on the floor next to Rick and dad threw the hatchet on the floor. "No please it can be me." Rick pleaded. "Me? I ain't doing shit. Cut the kid's arm off Rick!" Rick started pleading for it to be him, Carl begging Rick to just do it. "Please we understand!" Michonne sobbed. "I'm sure you do but Rick doesn't! Don't make me count Rick!" Rick swung the hatchet and dad caught his arm. "Now that's how I want you to look at me. Fear. You work for me now Rick. I'll leave you that RV. Get me and my girl some good shit. We'll see you in a week! Let's move out Saviours!"

On the way back, I sat between dad and Simon. "We did good boss." Simon said proudly. "Cait here was kickass." "She sure was Si. Let me look at your eye darling." Dad gently turned my face. "That looks like it fucking hurt. We'll sort it when we get back." He put his arm around me and I leaned in. "Please say we can sleep when we get back." I yawned. Dad chuckled. "Course we can baby. The bosses don't ask what they can and can't do." I started to shiver. "You cold baby girl?" Dad asked. I nodded. "Si put that heating on." Simon put on the heating and dad wrapped his arms around me. "You should warm up in no time baby."

When we got back to The Sanctuary, me and dad headed straight upstairs. "Sit down baby. Let me get your eye sorted." Dad told me. I sat down and dad put an ice pack on my eye. I winced because it hurt a bit. "Sorry baby I know it hurts. But the swelling will go down." Dad said sympathetically. "It's ok daddy. Are you alright though? You got a few cuts on your face." "I'm fine Cait. Don't you worry. Come on, you're nackered. Get into your pyjamas and get some sleep." I got changed and I was still really cold. "Put daddy's jacket on baby. You'll warm up in no time." Dad helped me put his leather jacket on and he got into his pyjamas. "We're doing fuck all today darling. We need to rest." Dad got into bed and I got in next to him. He wrapped me up in the quilt and put his arms around me. "I love you daddy." I yawned, kissing dad's cheek. "I love you too baby girl. So so much." Dad kissed my head and cuddled me as we both dozed off.

That's this chapter guys! I hope y'all like it

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