Chapter 10

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Caitlan's POV:

I'm walking around the market place with dad. I saw this young woman with a little girl that looked no older than 1. She was pointing at a teddy bear. "Sorry baby I don't have enough points." And she started to walk away and the baby started crying. I went over and grabbed the teddy. "Wait." I stopped the woman. She was about to bow down. "No no it's fine. I just wanted to give your daughter this." I gave the baby the teddy. She cuddled it happily. "Th-thank you." "What's your name?" "Diane. This is Lily." She smiled. Lily reached her arms out to me. "Can I?" Diane handed over Lily. Lily immediately cuddled into me. "Dad can you come over here please?" I said. Dad came over. "What's wrong darling?" "I was thinking that people with children should be able to get whatever they need without points. I get that they gotta work to earn but it isn't fair on the kids. They get to do it with reason though. If they abuse that then obviously there'll be consequences." Diane looked shocked at my proposal. Dad did at first but he smiled. "You've always had the heart of gold haven't you sweetheart. That sounds like a plan." Dad kissed the top of my head. "Ok everyone! Listen up! Caitlan here has an announcement." Dad shouted and the whole building went quiet. "So I've proposed this to my dad and he agrees. If you are a parent with a young child then you can get whatever you need without any points! However if you do abuse this opportunity, there will be consequences!" I announced. I got lots of cheers. "H-how can we thank you?" Diane asked happily. "Well how about I get to spend time with this little angel a lot more?" "I think she'd love that." Diane smiled. "Great. I've got some work to do with dad but I'll get to spend time with her over the next few days if that's ok?" Diane nodded and I handed Lily back over.

Me and dad headed back to our room. "What you did down there darling was brilliant leadership. I am an asshole and wouldn't have thought of that but you did good. Well done baby." Dad grasped me into a hug. "I just think it ain't fair for kids to suffer dad. To be honest it broke my heart seeing that little girl upset that she couldn't have that teddy. I mean I still have that teddy you and momma got me when I was a baby. I won't part with it. And it isn't right for kids to starve. That's why I came up with only parents with young children don't need points." Dad kissed my head. "You still got that teddy?" He asked surprised. I went in my backpack and pulled out an old teddy. "Yep." I smiled. Me and dad just sat on the bed and cuddled up, talking about the plans to ambush Rick and the others tonight. "We'll make them pay baby, don't you worry." For some reason the encounter with the wives earlier popped into my head. "Your wives really don't like me dad." I smirked. "Fuck em darling. Not literally coz that's my job. But don't let them get to you. They only became wives so that they didn't have to work and get supplies for their loved ones. And it seems there's a tinge of jealousy that I'm paying more attention to you. You're my baby girl so you're always number one. And you're right, they're replaceable, you're not." I felt myself well up. "I promised you that day at the Lake District that I'd never stop looking for you. And each and every day I had never stopped thinking about you. Me and Simon constantly searched for you even when we found the Sanctuary. I was never gonna give up on my baby girl." I was crying now. I kissed dad on his cheek. "What was that for baby?" He asked surprised. "Thank you daddy. Just for everything. I love you so much daddy." Dad started to cry a bit too. "I love you too baby. Always and forever." Rick and the others may have been good to me but what they did, how they put me in a cell, how Carl cheated on me. That really hurt. But one thing they didn't know was that even when I met them: I am and always have been, always will be: Negan!

That's chapter 10 guys! It's a bit short but hope y'all like it!

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