Chapter 6

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Caitlan's POV:

I've been with Rick's group for a couple weeks now. I'm laid on bed. I've got a bit of stomach ache and feel dizzy so Rick said I could stay rested today.

Whilst Carl was doing his chores, I thought I'd read some of his comics. It's fair to say that I was starting to enjoy them. I managed to read quite a few. I didn't even notice Carl standing just outside the cell watching me. "Wow I must have set an example if you're enjoying comic books." He smiled. "Ha ha. But yeah these comics are pretty good." I replied. I sat up and Carl sat next to me. I began to think about mom and dad, and I felt tears roll down my face. "Hey you ok?" He asked. "Just thinking about my mom and dad. I miss them. A lot."  I wiped my tears. Carl put his arm around me and brought me into a hug. "Thanks Carl." I whispered and put my arms around him. I felt him kiss my forehead.

It was a bit quiet during dinner. "Are you feeling a bit better now Caitlan?" Lori asked me. "Yeah thank you." I smiled. I felt Carl's hand under the table take mine. Everyone here has been really welcoming towards me. I hope when (yes when not if!) my dad finds me, they'll welcome him too.

That night I woke up to Carl trying to calm me down. I must have been having another bad dream about mom and dad.  "Hey it's ok Cait. I'm here." Carl held me close. "I-I just miss them so much Carl. I know dad is still alive I just wish he was here with me. With us all." "I know. I can't imagine what you're going through. But I'm with you. I promise. I love you Cait. I won't let anything happen to you. Even when your dad does find us." Wait. What? "D-did you just say you love me?" I whispered. Carl looked a bit embarrassed after I asked so I cuddled up to him. "I love you too." I then sat up slightly and leant forwards - our lips met and we began to kiss. Before you start assuming - no we didn't do ... that. We're only 14, it may be the apocalypse but hey we're still too young. Carl then wrapped his arms around me protectively as we cuddled up to go back to sleep.

The next day we were just walking around the prison. We don't know how but a herd of walkers got through the fencing. "Get inside!" Rick yelled at me, Carl Lori and Maggie. Carl grabbed my hand and the four of us went inside.

We were in a corridor but Lori stopped. "I-I think my water just broke!" I helped Lori to get on the floor. She said she'd have to give birth via a Caesarian. "It'll kill you Lori!" We all ended up in tears. Carl said he'll put her down after the baby is born. "It's gotta be me." He said quietly. Lori shared a tearful goodbye with Carl then she looked at me. "You're a nice girl. Take care of him for me." She cried. I nodded and then Lori handed Maggie a knife and she cut open her stomach to get the baby. It's a baby girl. Maggie took the baby out into the corridor. "Y-you go too." Carl said to me. "Not a chance. I'm staying with you whilst it happens. I ain't leaving you Carl." I sobbed. Lori was already unconscious. Carl got his gun out and shot Lori's unconscious body. It was more respectful than to let her turn into a walker. Carl broke down after the gunshot. I placed my hand on his shoulder and he stood up and hugged me. He was crying into my shoulder. "I'm sorry Carl." I said quietly feeling tears stream down my face. "I don't wanna lose you too Cait." He said really upset. "You won't Carl." I wiped Carl's tears and put my hand up to his face. "Come on, let's get outta here."

Me, Carl and Maggie (Who carried the baby) went outside. Rick saw us and realised that Lori wasn't with us. He stood near Carl and he broke down..

A few weeks later...

A little while ago we run in with this guy who named himself The Governor. His people attacked the prison but we won as they fled. Most of the residents of Woodbury  that survived came to live at the prison with the rest of us. So there's a slight bit of catching up to do: me and Beth have been taking it in turns to look after Judith (Carl chose the name after his old high school teacher). Me and Carl are still together. Even some of the kids started to name the walkers - me and Carl tried to tell them they shouldn't.

Anyway back to the now.  Some sort of virus had spread throughout the prison, but thankfully everyone hadn't caught it - those that did have been quarantined. A woman named Michonne also became part of our community. But right now, The Governor had come back with some other people, but with Michonne and Herschel as his prisoners. He told us to give up the prison so he could take over, but Rick said that we can all live here. We all had our guns ready just in case something happened though. Next thing we knew The Governor chopped off Herschel's head. Shit. That's when it all went riot. A tank was driven over the fence, walkers flooded in and then a fight once again pursued.

I got separated from Carl once the fight started.  The fight went on for quite a while. I got a cut in my arm but thankfully not long after, we won again. I looked everywhere for Carl and finally I saw him and Rick. Carl turned around and saw me. He started running, so did I. I felt myself begin to cry. I wrapped my arms around Carl and I didn't wanna let go. He kissed me, which I returned. "Ok love birds let's go find Judith." Rick came up to us. Carl had his hand on my waist and I had mine on his back as we walked. We found Judith's car seat, covered in blood. I felt Carl pull me in closer. No. She can't be dead. All 3 of us were crying. We turned around and left the prison - well what's left of it...

So that's this chapter guys! I'm gonna probably skip the parts including the terminus but it'll be next picked up in Alexandria! I hope y'all are liking the story upto now

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