Chapter 21

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Caitlan's POV:

After breakfast the next morning, Lily was sat on the floor playing with a few toys, as well as cuddling her teddy. "I'm gonna sit on the porch for a bit. I want some fresh air." I said. "Ok baby girl." Dad smiled.

I sat on the chair and just felt the morning breeze hit me. After a few minutes, Daryl, Rosita and Enid all came up to our house. "We don't know why Rick agreed to let you and your arsehole of a father to live here, but we want you gone." Daryl snapped. "Carl told him that we were. I've no clue what else happened because well I was bleeding out." I pointed to my neck. "Obviously not enough." Enid sneered. "Seriously what the fuck is your problem? Just because Carl regrets getting with you because he's always loved me? But what were you saying when you attacked The Sanctuary?" I smirked. Enid ran at me and punched me in the throat. I fell backwards and couldn't breathe.

Negan's POV:

Me and Diana heard a thud outside. "You stay here with Lily." I told her. I went outside to see Daryl, Rosita and Enid at the porch and Cait on the floor, having trouble breathing. "What the fuck happened!" I yelled which obviously frightened the three of them. Cait pointed at Enid, made a punching motion and pointed at her throat. "You fucking punched my daughter?" I growled. "We want you both fucking out of here!" Rosita snapped. "There's a one, nearly two year old in the house! Rick said we could stay here!" I yelled back. But before they could answer, Rick, Michonne and Carl (who was carrying Judith) rushed over. "What's going on?" Rick asked. "These three came over here, demanding we leave and Enid here punched my daughter in her throat!" Carl immediately ran over and helped Caitlan get up. "We're done Enid. When I got with you I felt like I shouldn't have been with Cait. But I was wrong and shouldn't have let what other people would think get in the way!" He (with Judith) took Caitlan back inside. "Go!" Rick told the other three and I got a few glares before they left.

Caitlans POV:

Judith sat on the floor and started playing with Lily. If I wasn't in so much pain, I'd manage to smile. Dad came in with Rick. "Let me sort Caitlan out and then we gotta talk Rick." Dad said. He crouched down to my eye level. "Breathe with me Caity." He held my hand and tried to help me steady my breathing. The door opened and Siddiq came in and helped. "Rick this is getting ridiculous. We've killed each other's people, tried to kill each other and well our kids nearly got killed. Can we call a truce? At least be adults and be civil?" Dad asked. Rick and Michonne looked at each other and Rick said, "truce." He held his hand out and dad took it. "Caitlan I'm sorry for slashing your throat." Rick apologised. "No worries." I choked.

Mom went with Siddiq for an ultrasound. So it was just me, Carl, Dad, Rick, Michonne, Judith and Lily. Carl put his arm around me but Lily got up and climbed on my knee. "My Cakey!" She told Carl off and he moved his arm. "Sorry." He said jokingly putting his hands up in surrender. Lily cuddled up to me, and Judith climbed on Carl's knee.

Mom came back. She looked a bit shocked. "What's wrong mom?" I asked. "We're having twins." She replied. Dad got up and gave her a kiss and I had a huge smile on my face. Rick, Michonne and Carl congratulated us. Wow, twins!

That's this chapter guys! It ain't that long but hope y'all like it

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