Chapter 14

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Caitlan's POV:

I'm sat in our room with Lily. Dad and Diana are outside waiting for the Saviours to come back from a run.

I'm just being a good big sister and playing with Lily. She's attached to the teddy I got her in the market. I keep putting the teddy near her face and moving it away. She keeps laughing and clapping her hands. "Tell you what. Give me a kiss and I'll give you Teddy." I smiled. She got up and dived on me and gave me a kiss and she cuddled me. "There ya go then missy." I gave her her teddy and she ended up getting off the bed and running about. I got the hint and chased her. She was giggling like mad. Finally I caught her and lifted her up. "Haha gotcha." I said happily before the door opened. Dad and Diana walked in, followed by Carl. What the fuck is he doing here?

Lily is weary of strangers and she cuddled into me shyly. "What's he doing here?" I asked dad sitting on the sofa. "Oh Carl killed a bunch of my men, wanting to kill me." Dad told me. Well Lily ended up crying because like me, she's a daddy's girl. She didn't understand what was going on though bless her. "Go to momma, sweetie." I gently handed Lily over to Diana.

Carl started to talk, "Caitlan-" I put my hand up. "I don't wanna hear it. I've nothing to say to you Carl." I snapped. I went over to the bed and sat next to Diana. Lily reached out to me and dived on my knee. "Ok missy I got ya." I carried her over and sat next to dad. "It's like talking to a Christmas present. Take off the bandage kid." He said to Carl. "No." "Two men! Punishment." Dad shouted. He frightened Lily. "Sorry baby." He said quietly and Lily crawled onto dad's knee. Carl took off the bandage. To be honest it made me feel uncomfortable since I was there when he lost his eye. Lily screamed and hid her head in dad's chest. "Holy crap! I can see your socket. Can I touch it?" I saw Carl tear up and I felt myself tear up too. "Shit sorry kid. It's easy to forget that you're just a kid. I was only messing." Carl then looked at me. "W-Who's the baby and woman?" I looked at dad. He winked at me. "Lily's my sister. Well adopted but I love her as if she was my sister. Dad and Diana got together and she's as good as my momma. I know my momma died a few years ago but she'd be glad that me and dad are happy again. And that someone is looking after us." Diana came over and pulled me into a hug. Dad then told Carl to sing a song. He began to sing 'You Are My Sunshine..." Lily began to clap, enjoying it.

Dad then stopped Carl. "Your mom sing that to you? What happened to her?" I felt my heart ache. Remembering what happened to Lori at the prison. Dad knew by Carl's face what happened. "Anyway let's go. It should be ready by now." Dad said. "What should?" Carl asked confused. "The iron." Dad smiled and gave Lily over to Diana. I kissed Lily on the head and hugged Diana before leaving the room with Dad and Carl.

We went down to the factory, everyone bowed down and dad gave his speech about how his rules keep us alive. We went down the stairs to a tied up Mark. Dad's ex-wives stood around in a clump and Sherry comforted Amber, who was crying. Dad then burnt Mark's face with the iron. Everyone was screaming. I saw Dwight turn his head away. Well it's De Ja vu for him. "Oh shit. He's pissed his pants. Carson! Do your thing! And Daryl, clean this shit up." Dad ordered. "Come on Caitlan darling!" Dad put his arm around me and then spoke to Carl. "Let's go figure out what to do with you."

Back in the bedroom, Lily was fast asleep in her crib. Diana put her finger to her lips to us so that we didn't wake Lily up. "Diana we need to go do our duty. Caitlan darling will you stay here and keep an eye on Lily?" Dad asked. "Course I will. I have big sister duties as well as being joint leader of the Sanctuary." I smiled. Both dad and Diana gave me a hug. "You stay here." Dad said to Carl before he and Diana left the room.

I sat on the sofa, keeping an eye on Lily as she slept. "Why'd you do it Carl?" I asked quietly. "Do What?" Carl looked confused. I looked at Carl and trying not to raise my voice I said "you're fucking joking right? The fact that you cheated on me with Enid and lied that you only wanted to be with me." I felt myself tear up. Lily woke up crying. "Cakey!" She sobbed. That's her nickname for me since she can't exactly say Caitlan yet. I lifted her out the crib. "It's ok, Cakey's here." I said to her. She needed her diaper changing so I got her changing mat, put it on the bed and changed her. "There we go. Nice and clean." "Tetty." She said pointing to her teddy so I lifted it out and gave her it. Immediately she cuddled it. "You really love teddy don't you." I smiled as I sat back down on the sofa. I gave Lily her pacifier and she quietly sucked on it as she cuddled into me. "Are you gonna answer that question then Carl?" I sneered. "Yes I had a crush on Enid. I still loved you though! But when you were put in the cell, it really hurt. I tried to get them to let you out. Enid came to see how I was and well I knew people wouldn't like it if I continued dating you and I just let my feelings for Enid to take over and we ended up spending the night together-" I was full on crying now. "You fucking arsehole!" Lily jumped. "Sorry sweetie." I sobbed and Lily cuddled into me. "Cait I'm sorry" Carl said quietly. "Shut up Carl! Just shut up." I sobbed. "You know something. I wish you didn't lock Enid in that cupboard that night. Because if I saw that bitch in the lineup that night I'd have killed her instantly!" "You do anything to hurt anyone I love Caitlan, I swear to god!" Carl threatened. "I used to be one of those people Carl. But let me tell you this, if you, your dad or anyone else tries to hurt my family, well I think you've met Lucille junior as well as Lucille." Carl got up and started to walk towards me. "I hope your dad jumps out that fucking window to save me or dad killing him." Lily got scared and cried. "Is that fucking so Carl? First of all get the fuck away from my girls." Dad and Diana were stood in the doorway, looking pissed off. "Before you ask, we heard the whole thing. It's one thing breaking my daughter's heart, but threatening to kill me in front of my daughters and frightening Lily! Well you've no idea how annoyed that makes me." Dad growled. "Lily ain't even yours!" Carl sneered. "And Judith ain't Rick's. Doesn't stop him being her dad." I said through my tears. Carl looked pissed off that I brought them into it but he didn't retaliate because he knew I was right. "Anyway, come on. We're going for a little ride." Dad said. Diana and Lily were staying at the Sanctuary. Lily was crying, wanting to come with me and dad though, bless her.

There were four of us in the truck. Dad, me, Carl and one of the Saviours driving. It was a tight squeeze but I'm tiny so it wasn't too bad. I felt Carl's hand touch mine. But I just moved it away. As much as I miss being with him, I ain't gonna give in. I just rested my head on dad's shoulder. Dad rested his head on mine and kissed my head.

After about an hour, we got to Alexandria. We went straight to Carl's house. Olivia answered. "Where's Rick?" Dad asked but she stuttered. "Dooon't care. Where's Rick?" "Scavenging. For you. We're practically starving here." Olivia replied. "Starving? You? So by practically you mean not really?" I was shocked but had to stop myself from laughing. I've nothing against Olivia I'm just used to my dad's humour and she started crying. Dad said that he'd happily screw her brains out  which earned him a slap to the face. Dad said that we'd wait for Rick and he told Olivia to make some lemonade. Dad then told Carl to give him a tour.

Carl showed him around the house, I noticed that the photos I was in had been replaced. That hurt a bit. Then we got to Judith's room. "Look at this little angel!" Dad said happily as he picked her up out the crib. Judith recognised me immediately and reached out to me. I took her off dad. "Hey missy. Look how big you got!" I smiled at her. Carl looked worried. "Do you really think I'd hurt her Carl? She's not the one that put me in a cell or broke my heart." I said quietly.

We all sat on the porch. Dad had Judith on his  knee, Carl on one side and me on the other. People walked by, just looking. "Hey neighbour! Why not come by later? We can grill out!" Dad said loudly. Judith reached her hand out to me so I moved closer and held her hand and rested my head on dad's shoulder.

After sitting outside for a bit, dad told me and Carl to wait downstairs with Judith whilst he went and shaved. Me and Carl just sat at both ends of the couch. "Caitlan I am sorry about what happened." Carl said quietly. "Carl an apology won't change what happened. And don't expect me to forgive you, especially after everything we'd been through and then you did that. You're with Enid now. So leave it." I said upset. Just as I said that, dad came downstairs, cleanshaven. "Right I think we should start dinner!" He clapped his hands together.

We all sat down for dinner, me next to dad. We were waiting for Rick for too long so we just ate. Dad did his amazing spaghetti. We all ate awkwardly in silence.

After dinner, dad told us not to bother cleaning up. We heard talking outside, so we went to see what was happening. It was Spencer. He brought dad a bottle of whiskey and he got out one of the neighbour's pool table out.

I was sat on the patio steps watching them play pool. Spencer was being a complete arse kisser: telling dad he understands what he's doing. He then hinted that dad should kill Rick. Well dad said something to him and said "you got no guts." He stabbed Spencer in the stomach. "I've never been so wrong in my life. Your guts are on the floor!" I stood up, kinda shocked at what happened. But something caught my eye, there was something in Rosita's belt, covered by her shirt. A gun. She got it out but I didn't have time to let dad know, and she shot but it hit Lucille. I ran and hit her onto the floor, Arat pinning her down. "Shit! Shit! You tried to kill me? You hit Lucille!" Dad yelled. "She got in the way." Rosita snarled so dad told Arat to cut her face as payment for damaging Lucille.

Rick then came pissed off so dad filled him in to everything that happened and dad said we'll leave once we find who made the bullet or someone dies. Rosita kept saying it was her, so dad told Arat to kill someone - she shot Olivia. Dad said someone else will die unless he finds out. Rosita kept saying it was her. Then Tara did. But then Eugene said it was him. Dad told the Saviours to put Eugene in the truck, and then we left. I glanced at Carl before leaving.

Now to get back to The Sanctuary. I just wanna see Lily. I've missed her like crazy and no doubt she's missed me and dad.

That's this chapter guys! Hope y'all like it

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