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Lior's POV

The gathering was over, and everyone stood at the door, waving the other guilds off.

Unfortunately, the only guild I ended up socializing with was Sabertooth, but it was better than being alone.

Now, I had time to think to myself.

I was still weirded out by that odd memory from earlier.

The sinister voice of that woman...

It haunted my mind.

This wasn't the time, either.

I was this close to figuring out how we could cure Lucy.

I just needed the location of the serum.

The only problem was, I had no clue how to get it.

After all, I couldn't force these things.

They just happened naturally.

Though, there was something about my last one...

It was almost as if it was triggered by my noticing of the key of Ophiuchus.

Maybe I could try to trigger myself into the memory to get the location.

But how?!

I can't think of anything around me that would trigger such a thing.

It wasn't as if I had the serum on me...

That would've made things even easier.

Then, I wouldn't even have to struggle through the location finding process, or the journey there.

I was completely stumped on what to do.

If these things were to only happen randomly, who knew how long this could take.

It could take weeks...


Even years...

We just didn't have that kind of time on our hands.

I began to worry even more.

I was utterly overwhelmed with thoughts swirling through my mind.

I had too much to think about.

It was stressful, and I needed a way to calm down.

"Did you enjoy yourself?" A voice asks from behind me, cutting off my spiral of internal thoughts.

I turn to see none other than Mira.

That's right...

It had been her idea for me to socialize.

"It was actually... pretty fun. I met some great people..."

She sat next to me, concern in her eyes.

"It sounds like there's a but coming somewhere in that sentence. Is everything alright?"

I sigh.

"I guess I'm just... stressed. Really, really stressed."

I feel a sense of comfort as she smiles.

"I know the burden of all this must be a lot for you to handle, but just know that we're all here for you. If you need help, we're right here. You even have support from other guilds now."

I feel her hand as she gently placed it on my shoulder.

"Everything will be okay, so quit your worrying. If you try not to think about it too much, maybe whatever you're searching for will come to you."

She gets up, leaving me alone with my thoughts once more.

I took a deep breath of calming energy.

It was no understatement to call Mira the backbone of this guild.

She was not only a powerful wizard, but she kept everyone's moods in check.

I'd try in the future not to focus so much on my troubles, and to just enjoy life.

But it was hard with so many things troubling you...

Hey everyone!

So, I want to take a moment to appreciate another author here on Wattpad.

If you're a Gruvia shipper, then please pay attention.

@JuviaFullbuster234 has an amazing book out called, "FROM STRANGERS TO SOULMATES."

It's currently like my favorite thing ever.

Anyway, I really recommend it.

The author is on vacation right now.

While they're gone, let's give it some reads, some votes, and maybe follow them too!

They deserve a lot of appreciation because honestly, the book is great.

That's all for now!

Hope you enjoyed. :)

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