Final Preparations

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At Blood Thorn...

"Get to work! Go on!" Blood Thorn's master yelled.

People shuffled around the guild, preparing everything.

"Madam, where do I put this?" A guild member asks.

She scoffs.

"Don't touch that, you moron! It's delicate! Give it to me..."

"Oh, yes... here."

He hands her the item without another word.

"Good. Now, run along. I want my chair ready for travel, you here?!"

"Miss, how will we bring it along with us?"

"Idiot! What a complete idiot! Honestly, how did I let you in this guild?!"


"No, shush! You'll be one of the members carrying my chair, along with me in it!"

"Y-Yes madam..."

The teen boy walked off, following orders.

"Useless brats... all of them." The woman mumbles to herself.

How could they possibly finish preparations at this rate?

She'd wanted to be at those stupid fairies' guild by tomorrow, but the members of Blood Thorn were quite slow.

"Hurry up, all of you! How could you possibly attack those menacing fairies when you can't even do this correctly?!" She yelled angrily.

She was frustrated.

The master looked over to the Black Rose members, who just seemed to be sitting around.

"I know I've sent most of you to work! Get on with it!"

Most of them got up, running along to help the Blood Thorn members.

Those who remained were the ones who'd attacked Levy that day.

"You said Lilith's right hand went missing after the fight with Fairy Tail."

"That's correct, m'lady. Lilith's right hand is still missing. We think he's become allied with those fairies... that traitor."

"Mhm... interesting. What did you say the name of this right hand was?"

"Lior, madam. Lilith's right hand is named Lior."

She smirks.

"Really now?"

They nod, confirming her question.

She begins to snicker.

"Hm... Lior. Lilith's right hand..."

The members of Black Rose were confused at her actions.

"What a small world..." She states.

Before she was able to explain herself, the girl she'd left in charge came up to her.

She'd assigned the girl to the position in order to move things along smoothly.

"Miss... we're ready for departure."

"Perfect... why don't we head down and say hello to those little fairies?"

"We leave now?" A man from Black Rose questions.

"Yes, right now. We can all say hi to Lior as well... for old times sake."

Me trying to break through my writer's block...

I hope this chapter ended up well!

See you in the next one!

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