Happily Ever After

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Lucy's POV

To think, just this time a few days ago, we were still caught up in everything.

Lior had received his guild mark, something he'd most likely cherish forever.

We were currently celebrating in the guild hall.

We'd informed the other guilds of everything, and they'd decided to come along and celebrate with us.

It was nice to see everyone for the first time in what seemed to be ages.

Apparently, they'd dropped by more recently than I'd known, though I'd been corrupted at the time.

They'd all seemed pretty happy to see me reverted back to my own self.

I was surprised to find that Lior knew a few of the members of Sabertooth, but I was happy for him.

Walking around the guild, I noticed the smiles spread wide on each face in the room.

At first glance, one would believe we'd never had such troubles recently.

The Blood Rose alliance was nowhere near to being a faded memory, but at this very moment, it had all become a blur.

I make my way over to where Gray, Erza, Lior, and a few members of Sabertooth sat.

I was surprised to see a certain pink-haired mage was missing from the conversation.

Where had he run off to this time?!

"Lucy, I'm sure you're relieved to be done with everything that's been going on." Yukino mentions.

"I'm just relieved to know everyone is safe, and that we're all together." I reply.

"I bet!" Sting adds.

I tried to continue with the conversation as normally as possible, though a certain someone's absence was buzzing around in the back of my mind.

Soon, Sting, Rogue, and Yukino stand up.

"We're going to go see what Minerva is up to. We'll see you guys around!" Sting exclaims.

Yukino gives me a quick hug before we see them off.

Just then, everything became silent.

I ignored the chat between Erza and Gray, my thoughts taking over.

I hadn't even seen a glimpse of Natsu and was truly curious of his whereabouts.

"Erza, Gray. Do you know where Natsu is? I was a little surprised to see he wasn't over here with you all." I finally speak up.

The two give me a shrug.

"Who knows where that knucklehead is? Probably off challenging someone to a fight..." Gray says.

Well, I guess it was true.

It definitely sounded like something Natsu would try.

"I'm sure he's okay. This is Natsu we're talking about." Erza tells me.

As if on some perfect cue, I hear a voice call out behind me.


I turn to see Natsu.

"Natsu, what have you been doing all this time?!" I question.

"Can I talk to you outside?" He asks.

I was taken aback by his request.

Gray and Erza watched with wondrous expressions.

"S-Sure." I say, getting up from my seat.

Natsu leads me outside of the guild.

"There's something I have to tell you..." He begins.

"Is everything okay?" I worry.

"Everything is great, I just... have to get something off my chest."

I listen intently to his words.

"Luce, I..."

"You're my best friend, but... but you're also more than that." Natsu explained, a bit nervously.

I was seeing a whole new side of Natsu... one I never even realized existed.

"Lucy, I... I love you..."

I was speechless.

I tried to muster words.

"N-Natsu..." I said, trying to get something out.

Before I could even say anything else, Natsu leaned in.

I felt his lips on mine.

My mind struggled, trying to figure out if this was reality or not.

I was expecting to wake up any moment now, but instead, the kiss broke.

We made eye contact, and he just smiled at me.

I smiled back.

"I love you too."

You had to see it coming...

I said I'd do it.

I love me some Nalu, and this is a great happily ever after to the series.

Thank you all for reading.

I really hope you enjoyed reading as much as I did writing.

Remember, just because this series is over, doesn't mean this is the end for me.

I have a lot more to come, so please stick around!

Thanks again.

Yours truly, _team_fairytail.

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