No Clue

687 15 4

Freed's POV

We finally make it back to the guild.

As we step through the doors, many eyes trailed to us.

It was obvious we were a bit on edge.

"Oh hey, you four are back!" Mira calls, walking over.

"How was it?"

We exchange another look.

I sigh.

"We have a problem."

She looks at me curiously.

"We need to tell Master." I continue.

"Hm... what's the issue?" She queries.

I notice Master passing by before I get the chance to answer her.

"Master!" I call out to him.

He turns, walking over to the five of us.

"Ah, Freed. What can I do for you?"

"We... encountered a problem while out on our job."

Now Master was just as curious as Mirajane.

"Master, we were being followed!" Ever yells, seemingly distressed.

The entire guild goes silent, turning to us.

"Followed?! By who?!" He asks.

We shrug.

"We don't know..." I mention.

"Surely Black Rose isn't still after us. I thought they would've been torn apart by now..."

If only there was some sort of clue we could use...

"Their hood was the shade of blood." Laxus states.

Still, that had no affect.

No one had a clue who was after us.

All we knew was that we were in this together.

Fairy Tail wouldn't go down without a fight.

"What if they're not hostile? Did they actually attack you?" Mira suggests.

I snap my fingers, and my teammates watch as the runes fade in and out around their bodies.

"They had this weird presence. I felt like there was a possibility of a surprise attack, so I put up some protection runes around everyone."

"Good job, Freed. That was a smart decision."

"I only did what anyone in that situation would've done."

Even though we were all safe and sound, an uneasy feeling lurked around the guild.

We had no clue who the enemy was.

We had no clue when we'd see them again.

We had no clue when they'd attack.

What we did know is that they would be back... they always come back.

Wow, is it obvious I struggled with writing this?

It's so much harder to write when nothing happens.

Though, it's obvious things will start happening soon.

I hope you enjoyed!

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