It's Time

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A few weeks later...
Lior's POV

It's been weeks.

Weeks since I first came to Fairy Tail...

Weeks since I met all these wonderful people...

Weeks since I found out there was a cure for Lucy, and that it was hidden within my memories.

The guilt I felt that we were unable to do anything was something I'd tried so hard to push away.

Though sometimes, it came creeping back.

"It's been forever. We've made no more progress, and it's all my fault..."

"Hey, go easy on yourself. You'll get it eventually." Erza says.

"Eventually is too long, Erza. I need it now... I need to get Lucy back now."

I'd done the exact opposite of what Mira had said.

I tried not to, but I was obsessed, worrying and stressed nonstop.

I made an illusion to recall my last memory, which had revealed the serum.

"Is that bottle the serum you mentioned?" Erza asks me, watching my illusion play out.

I nod.

I was about to give up on looking for clues inside my last recollection.

"Stop!" The scarlett-haired mage yells.

I halt my illusion.

"What's that... in the background?"

I look closely.

It was...

My eyes froze in place.

"Lior... this is the reversal serum for Lucy's power. You can use it if anything goes wrong. It won't kill her, and it won't hurt her. We need her on our side, but until she can master her great power, we need to have this on hand. It's located in the safe of Black Rose.  You already know where that is, so if you feel as if your life is threatened by her, go there."

I'm back into reality.

"You were out of it. What happened?" Erza questions.

"The safe!" I exclaim.

She was so confused with my sudden outburst.

"Erza, the serum!"

Her eyes widened.


"It's located in the safe!"

Finally, the guilt was lifted from my shoulders.

"We have to tell everyone, specifically Master."

I agree, and we rush out to see the rest of Fairy Tail.

"You two seem hype. Did you have too much strawberry cake Erza?" Gray asks us.

"There's no such thing as too much strawberry cake!" Erza screams back at him.

"Anyways, that's not the point."

Erza gestures to me, putting the attention of the entire room on my shoulders.

"We know where the serum is! We can go find it, and then we can cure Lucy!"

Applause comes from the second floor.

"Amazing work, Lior. Now we just need some people to retrieve it."

It doesn't take Master Makarov long to figure out who he was assigning to the task.

"Team Natsu! I'm assigning you the task of retrieving the cure for your fellow teammate. I hope you don't disappoint me."

I was about to say something when the man looked to me.

"Lior, you will accompany these three to Black Rose. I expect you'll do good work."

I smile.

It was time to begin our journey.

It was time to go save Lucy.

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