Journey's Beginning

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Gray's POV

We woke up in the middle of the night.

Er, it was more very early morning.

We wouldn't get to say goodbye to the guild before departing for Black Rose.

Everyone else was most likely asleep at the moment.

I groggily grabbed my things from beside my bed.

"Gray, we have to get going." Erza states.

I was surprised when flame for brains had been up before me, but apparently he hadn't slept at all.

Whatever that meant, we were all ready to go.

What I expected to be an empty, dark room was filled with the faces of our supportive guild mates, along with our master.

My eyes widened in surprise.

Master had tears in his eyes.

"Go get our Lucy back." He said.

We looked at all their emotion-filled expressions.

It almost made us want to burst into tears, but we held them back.

We had to act strong, for Lucy's sake.

"Everyone..." Erza started.

"We won't disappoint you!"

So we took off.

Unfortunately, it would be a long journey by foot.

Hothead was happy he wouldn't get sick, but liked I cared.

This was going to take forever, not to mention how tiring it'd be.

We'd be worn out by our arrival.

I tried to keep an open mind about all this, but I was getting real tired of hearing that brainless fireball complain about how hungry he was.

The sun began to rise hours into our trip.

"Erza..." Flame brain whined once more.

"I'm hungry... can't we get some food?"

"Hey, idiot. Do you see any places nearby where we could eat?!" I yell at him.

We were in the middle of nowhere.

My stomach rumbled.

I also would've liked food, but we weren't getting it yet.

"We'll get some food in the next town." Erza explains.

Agonizingly, we continue on the path, the temperature increasing as the sun rose higher in the sky.

I knew this journey would be worth it in the end,  but we were off to a rough start.

As we approached a nearby town, a sense of relief came over me.

The pain of hunger would be no more.

"I can smell the food from here! I'm fired up!"

I roll my eyes at the bastard.

"Eat as much as you can. I can't promise you the next time we'll be getting food after this." Erza suggests.

I realize she was speaking more to Natsu than me.

I turn around to see Lior tagging behind us silently.

I slow my pace to walk beside him.

"What's up? You're quiet."

He gives me an awkward smile.

"It's just... you all know each other so well. I don't really know where I fit in."

I sigh.

"Look, we're all in this together. We're all here for the same purpose, and that's saving Lucy. You fit in here because everyone at Fairy Tail cares about her too."

He seemed cheered up by my comment, and I quickly moved on.

If I continue acting like that, I'll ruin my image.

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