The Perfect Time

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At Blood Thorn...


A hooded figure bows in front of a large chair which held a woman.

"You just had to go and get yourself noticed, didn't you?!"

Before the figure could speak, the woman continued to yell.

"I don't want to hear your apology! What intel did you get on those little fairies?!"

"I think one of them uses rune magic." The figure states.

"Is that all?"

They nod.

Abruptly, the woman stands.

"That's all you were able to get?! You worthless idiot! If you hadn't given yourself away you'd of gotten more!"

"I'm sorr—"

"No! Don't speak! Just go talk with your guild mates and leave me be!"

The woman pointed in the direction of two large doors, sending off the unknown figure.

She then sat back down.

"Does no one know how to do anything around here?!"

"Now, don't get so skeptical. We have information to share."

Former Black Rose members now stood at the door.

She sits up in her chair, a smirk growing on her face.

"Oh? Come then... do tell me."

They began sharing details.

The location of the fairies.

All the magic they could remember from the past battle.

"Yes... this is a useful group of souls." She notes.

"So tell me... is now a good time to send the message?"

"Now is perfect, m'lady. Let's show them they shouldn't of messed with us."

"That's good to hear, boys. Very good... I have an offer for you."

They keyed in to listen.

"I was going to send a few Blood Thorn members over, but since you've proven yourselves useful, why don't you go deliver the message yourselves? Let them know we're coming... and we want a fight."

They smirk at her words.

"We accept your offer."

"Perfect. You'll leave first thing tomorrow, so get ready little rosebuds... Show them that when we grow, we get thorns..."

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