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Lucy's POV

The magic released from our bodies, shooting out towards the cobra.

An explosion of magic filled the air, blocking my senses.

Everyone watched as the giant snake collapsed onto the ground.

Dust flew up into the air.

I cough, moving my hands to cover my mouth, and shutting my eyes.

I wait for the dust to roll by.

When I think I'm in the clear, I pull my arms away, opening my eyes to view the situation.

My eyes widen slightly, my lips curling into a smile.

I let out a small, silent laugh.

"We...We did it..." I say to myself, a bit quietly.

"We did it!" I exclaim once more.

I turn, bringing Natsu into a hug.

"It worked! Your plan worked!"

He smiled, returning the embrace.

"I couldn't of done it without you, Luce!"

I released Natsu of my grip.

"Let's go see how everyone else is doing." I suggested.

Natsu nodded in agreement.

"Gray, Erza!" I called.

They looked to our direction, already aware of what we were to ask.

"We've got it all covered over here!" Erza said.

"Don't think I need your help, hothead!" Gray yelled out to Natsu.

I laughed.

"Natsu, let's move on." I tell him, pulling away before he had the chance to argue with Gray.

My smile only grew wider as no one appeared to need our help.

This was it.

We were finally putting an end to this whole mess.

Up until this very moment, things had been absolute chaos, but it's over.

We'd defeated Black Rose, my aunt...

We'd defeated Lior's mother...

Blood Thorn was almost too weak to carry on against us...

It was finally the end.

"Lucy!" I heard a voice call out.

I turned to see Lior, a wide smile across his face.

He rushed up to me, pulling me into a hug.

"After everything you've done... I couldn't thank you enough." He told me.

I smiled.

"We all did it... together."

When we parted, Lior looked to me.

"I suppose after this it will be my time to leave."

"What are you talking about?!" I asked, surprised.

"I mean, everything will be done with. I shouldn't continue to be a bother to you all."

"Lior... you're a part of the Fairy Tail family now. Did you really expect to just... leave?"

Lior seemed taken aback, unknown of what to reply to my comment.

"Lucy is right." Another voice cuts in.

We watch as Master stops before us.

"You, Lior, are an official member of Fairy Tail. You shall be rewarded your guild mark when all is done and taken care of." He explained.

"I-I don't understand..." Lior said.

"I think what Lucy and Master are saying is, welcome home." Erza tells him, walking up with Gray.

Everyone was gathered around now, smiling satisfactorily.

Blood Thorn was defeated, and Fairy Tail had stood up for its family once more.

Levy's POV

I stood with Gajeel, Jet and Droy.

"Listen... I've been thinking about what Gajeel said to me."

They all listened to me intently.

"After thinking it over, I now realize how right you were. I'm sorry for doubting you before." I tell the Iron Dragon Slayer.

"Jet, Droy... I... I'd really appreciate it if you wouldn't treat me as if I'm a child. I'm fully capable of handling myself. If I need help, I'll ask for it." I say.

"Levy... we didn't notice we were treating you such a way. We promise to treat you as you should be treated in the future." Jet explained.

I smile simply.

"Thank you."

The two walk off, and I'm left alone with Gajeel.

We looked straight to each other.

"I'm proud of ya, Shrimp." He stated.

"Thanks for looking out for me, Gajeel." I reply.

Oh my god, it really is coming to an end!

There's only a chapter to go... :(

I hope you all enjoyed, and I'll see you next time for the final chapter.

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