New Hair New Me

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Millie's POV.

I went out to get my hair cut and styled. Paige suggested it to me. Showing the new grown me. After Finn vanished on me and came back again, I decided on the change.

I was at the hairdressers all morning. First my hair was cut short. Not too short that it looked like a bob, but short that it nearly touches my shoulders. I asked to do my hair into an ombre style. That's where part of your hair is lighter than your original colour hair.

I was set on the colour and was sat patiently while the hairdresser cut and dyed my hair. She noticed I was getting bored and gave me something to read whilst she set my hair to dye.

(A few moments later)

I went out shopping with Paige. She treated me to my hair cut and some new clothes.

"Is this to impress Finn?" I ask Paige.

"No. It's just a girly thing. Anyway, you said you wanted your hair cut and new clothes. So why not?" She said going round the shop. Looking at tops and bottoms.

"Well, Finn has only come back to me yesterday and we're out shopping the day after. So..."

"So can't I treat my sister?" Paige turned and looked at me. I didn't respond straight away. She was being nice after all.

"Yeah." I respond. We pick out a few tops and bottoms. Some nice hats for summer and some joggers for lounge days.

(at home)

I arrived at home and my mom came up to me and greeted me with a hug.

"Oh! My beautiful daughter. Your hair is lovely." I smiled as we broke away from the hug. I looked over to my dad, smiling. He smiled back and it looked as if he was about to cry.

"You alright dad?" I ask.

"Kelly! Let's tell her." My mom looked to my dad.

"Tell me what?" I ask.

"Its about Ava." My mom was close to tears too. Was it bad news?

"What about her?" I ask.

"She's responding to the treatment." My mom tells."That means, she'll be well and healthy enough to wake up." My sister is getting well. What a best day ever! I hugged both my parents and cried a little too. I'm so happy right now.

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