☁ Self Image ☁

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                                                  How To Get A Better Self Image~

Compliment Yourself Daily!
If you look good today let yourself know, it's ok to compliment yourself!! Just make sure it's not excessive enough to where it's narcissism...

Don't Put Yourself Down!
Everyone makes mistakes, it's only natural! Don't ever beat yourself up for anything, whether it's a big deal or not. Also never put yourself down based on your appearance, every one beautiful in their own unique way!!

Surround Yourself With Good People!
Make sure the people you associate yourself with people who have a positive & humble self-image. Once you do it'll be almost contagious as they not only build themselves up but you as well!

Accept Compliments!
If someone compliments you, always accept it!! If you decline the compliment subconsciously start to believe what you're saying ("Oh I'm not pretty!" Etc)

Give Compliments!
When building yourself up it always helps to build others as well! Making others feel good will always make you feel good. And It's almost certain they'll compliment you back whole also associating you with positive and happy feelings!

Dress In What Makes YOU Feel Good!!
Don't worry about trends, people, or anything when it comes to how you dress! You dress in whatever makes you feel good/attractive.

Don't Compare Yourself
If you ever see someone you find pretty/handsome it's ok to recognize it, but NEVER compare yourself!! Especially On Social Media as 99% of things on there are fake or edited!
When you compare yourself it's only belittling your worth (In your eyes, your worth will never change ❤️)!

Not only with it make you feel better, but others will be drawn to you if you have humble confidence; trust me I've seen it.
If your struggling with confidence I have one simple tip, fake it till you make it! As dumb as it sounds I PROMISE it works!!

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