☀ Different oils and their uses ☀

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Coconut oil

Helps with hair growth, whether it be on your scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes, etc. Put coconut oil on after you shave to get soft skin. It also helps with ingrown hairs. You can replace unhealthy fats with coconut oil. Wonderful moisturizer.

Peppermint oil

Put some in your room to feel more energized in the morning. Put some near a fan/ air conditioner/ heater (be careful) to have your room smelling great. Take a whiff of the oil when you have a headache or are feeling fatigued.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is a great acne treatment. Dab some on your face after washing every day for fast acne relief.It helps reduce redness. Place around your house in the summer to keep bugs away.

Eucalyptus oil

Use eucalyptus oil to relieve sinus congestion by adding a few drops of the oil to hot water and inhaling the steam. It is aroma-therapeutic. (Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid using this oil).

Argan oil

Used to soften and hydrate skin. Full of Vitamins great for all types of hair and reduces frizziness and split- ends leaving shiny, soft locks. Reduces redness in acne, stretch marks, etc. Reduces the look of wrinkles.

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