☁ Heartbreak ☁

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                                                 Dealing With Heartbreak ~

□ Feel:
feel the pain, don't be ashamed of it or afraid to feel it.

□ Grieve:
allow yourself to grieve, but do not allow yourself to become consumed by it. It is just a feeling, and not who you are, and definitely not how you will feel the rest of your life.

□ Realize Souls Can't Break: we feel our heart can be broken because it's the way we perceive our love while in human bodies, but when we realize we are love and our love is limitless because we are made of it, we realize we are unbroken. Our souls can never be broken. but, we are in human bodies right now, and sometimes we feel the pain so much that we can't take it, so we have to remind ourselves that this feeling is not who we are and find ways to feel close to our soul again. we do this by doing things that make us feel happy and alive; if you don't know what that is, have fun exploring and finding what that is
-one thing that we can all do to feel closer to our soul is simply to be present. It sounds so simple, but for a lot of us it can be a challenge because our thoughts won't allow us to be.

□ Helpful Thought:
remember, every time you go through something that makes you feel weak, it is actually making you stronger. You are healing, but at the same time, you are also growing.

□ Don't Talk:
don't talk to them at all. block them and delete their contact info.

□ Remove Their Items:
remove all the things that remind you of them (pictures, gifts, etc)

□ accept that you need to move on 
There are so many other guys and girls out there that would be so happy to have you.

□ Distract:
distraction helps in moments of extreme distress. Go out, have fun.

□ Feel emotions:
don't push your emotions away. you need to face what happened.

□ Take time:
take your time, but don't wallow forever

□ Get Help:
seek the support of your friends and family

□ Identify:

Acknowledge our emotions to figure out how to deal with them

□ rebounds aren't a good idea

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