☁ Stress ☁

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How to Deal/Cope With Stress:

◎ Accept Your Decisions: Everyone makes mistakes, trust me. Accept your past decisions as there's nothing you can do to change them, don't spend another moment thinking about it. Something my mom tells me is 'If it doesn't matter in 5 years don't spend 5 seconds worrying about it." Just remember, this is only a small moment of your long life.

◎ Sleep: Honestly sleep helps everything.. But when asleep you're allowing your body and brain to rest and recover from the stress. I'm not saying sleep 30 hours but just acknowledge it's ok to take little naps.

◎ Exercise: I know most people don't like working out but trust me, it can work miracles! When you get your heart rate up and start sweating your brain releases endorphins and dopamine, the chemicals that cause us to be happy. It also helps to relieve tension and anger, getting fit in the process!

◎ Practice Being Thankful!
Though things may be stressful take a moment to step back and look at all the things you've been given. It can be as simple as 'My Dog', 'My Room', 'Grass.' ETC.

◎ Live In The Moment:
Don't think about what you have to do in the next Year, Month, Week, Day, Even Hour. Simply just stick to being and thinking in the present.

◎ Don't Procrastinate!!
Chances are if you're stressed you want nothing to do with homework/Work/Bills ETC.
But if you simply ignore your responsibilities they'll begin to pile up, adding more to your stress.

◎ Get A Massage/Spa Night:
Get dopamine going and let your muscles unwind with a massage/spa night

Just know everything is going to work out! ❤️❤️

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