Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Yumi's PoV

I finished packing up my things for moving to the Academy. I was accepted at the Cross Academy when I perfectly passed the entrance exam. After I left the Kuran mansion and after a few years, I moved here in the orphanage, when I told the children that I was a vampire they were scared at first but I gave them my motherly aura and that made then calm down. I took care of them and they called me 'Mommy'. I was really happy when I heard that, but still, I feel unloved and lonely. I ignored those feelings and grabbed my bag. I started leaving the orphanage but stopped when the children tackled me to a hug.

"Mommy! Please dont leave us!" They all begged. I smiled and bent down to their level.

"I promise that I will come and visit. I will also bring presents for all you in every visit. Dont cry alright?" I said softly as they wiped their tears and gave me their most adorable smile.

"O-okay Mommy! Pinky promise?" One of them said and held out his pinky. I wrapped my pinky around his.

"Pinky promise." I said and gave each kisses on their foreheads. I bid them farewell and used my vampiric speed to reach the gates of the Academy. I saw two figures waiting in front of the gates, one is a human and one is a vampire. I walked towards them. When I saw their faces I stopped and my eyes widened when I saw.... Yuki.... I regained my posture and smiled at them. Both of their eyes widened.

"Y-you look like me!" Yuki exclaimed almost making my eardrums burst. I smiled and bowed.

"I am Yumi Bara. May I know your names?" I asked.

"I-i'm Yuki Cross and this is Zero Kiryuu..." Yuki said and continued staring at me, "Are we twins or something?" She asked. I wonder why she's human... she was a pureblood now she's a human. I looked at Zero, he has silver hair and beautiful lavender eyes. He was glaring at me.

"No, I do not know you. It may be a coincidence that we look alike." I lied. Yuki puts a finger on her chin and looked up at the sky.

"Hmm.... maybe. Anyways, welcome to the Cross Academy!" She exclaims happily. I nodded and followed them to the headmaster's office, Kaien Cross. Zero kept glaring at me, he must be some kind of vampire hunter when I saw his tattoo on his neck. A vampire that despises his own kind.

"Ah! Its the new student! I am Kaien Cross! Welcome!" The headmaster happily exclaimed and hugged me. There were sparkled and pink flowers popping out around him, while I sweatdropped. He finally let go and sat back down. "You already know the rules and what class you are attending when I sent you a letter correct?" I nodded and he handed me a night class uniform. "You'll be staying in the Moon Dorm just follow my daughter, Yuki and my son, Zero." He said and handed me keys.

"I'm not your damn son, idiot..." Zero growled at the headmaster making him cry waterfalls. I giggled at this and followed the prefects. While we were walking it was silent. I dont mind, I like the quietness. But, the peaceful ailence was broken when I heard squealing. The two prefects sighed as I saw Day Class students crowded in front of the gates of the Moon Dorm.

"Umm... May I ask whats going on here?" I asked them.

"Fangirls/boys. They are inlove with the Night Class Students." Yuki answered.

"So your job is to keep the fangirls away from the Night Class?" I asked and she nodded. "Well, I'll help you hold them off." I said smiling.

"Are you sure you can do it? These guys are really troublsome." Yuki said putting her hands on her hips. I nodded and we ran towards the crowd. Yuki blew her whistle making the fangirls/boys freeze and look at us. "Go back to your dorms now!" Yuki yelled but they ignore her and went back to squealing. We went through the crowd and tried to hold them off.

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