Chapter 9

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' Vampires pretending to be humans pretending to be vampires ... How avant-garde!'

-Anna Rice (Interview with a Vampire)

Chapter 9

~Yumi's PoV~

3 days has passed since me and Zero became friends. I finally saw him smile one day but, it was tiny and it just lasted like a second. He should really smile more, it really looks good on him but then again, he rarely smiles. Every night I go outside to meet him to let him drink my blood. He still cannot control himself whenever he drinks. I always see his eyes full of pain, guilt and disgust for himself, he always said to me that he is a monster and doesnt want to hurt me. I reassured him that he will never hurt me and he will never be a monster.

Whenever Kaname sees me with Zero, he glares at Zero and his eyes sometime glows red. He still have not yet known about Zero drinking my blood and of course I will never tell anyone that. I do not want Zero get punished for it.

For Kaname, we are getting along very well. We smile, chat and laugh, no arguments or fighting. He always kisses my forehead whenever he leaves or says goodnight to me. Though, whenever I see her with Yuki, my chest tightens and I always hide my pained expression with a smile. I have never been mean to Yuki, I dont want to treat her like that, I never hated Yuki. She is kind to me and never has been once mean to me.

As for Father or the Headmaster, he seemed to have told Zero and Yuki about me. It was alright at least he left out the parts of Yuki being a human and me, her sister. Father seemed to have never changed, he still has his childish behavior and well of course he kept asking me for his favorite desserts. When I was young, he always scold me about eating sweets too much, but now, it seems I am thr one scolding him about eating too much sweets.

He got a toothache once and I had to pull his slimy tooth out. I have done that before with the children in the orphanage, also known as my children hehe. Father cried like a child as always when I successfully pulled the tooth out, and I do not need to describe what it looks like, you might get disgusted of course.

For my children, there is still no ine hurt and Cornelia reported that Level E vampires were turned to ashes last night. Almost Level E vampires were the ones to visit the orphanage. When I havent made the barrier, several Level E's attacked the orphanage and drank the children's blood dry, almost every night I protected the Orphanage from the vampires. Now that I learned how to put up a barrier to keep the vampires out, except me, the orphanage is now safe. No attacks and no one is hurt anymore.

Everytime I think about the Level Es, it reminds me of Zero. He was suffering greatly from his uncontrollable thirst for blood. If he cant control it and drink people's blood dry, he would most likely turn into a Level E. And I was helping him by letting him drink my blood. He was able to slowly gain control of it, but it was not enough. Whenever he drinks, he sometimes drinks too much making my body grow weak and skin deathly pale.

Luckily Kaname and the others did not see me whenever I was in that condition. I would mostly hide from them so they would not question about my condition.

And also, I have been having these weird dreams lately. A man was in my dreams, he has a darker brown hair, blue on the left eye and red on the right. I dont know him, he always appears in my dreams.

The man with odd colored eyes looked down at me with a smirk plastered on his face. I was wearing a white dress that reaches below my knees and I was barefooted. He crouched down and caressed my cheek with his large hand and long slender fingers. I sat completely still and just stared at his odd colored eyes.

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