Chapter 12

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' Life never leaves you empty
It always replaces
Everything you lost
If it asks you to put
Something down,
It's because
It wants you to
Pick up something better'

(A/N: hey guys, im just gonna say something. I will not be following the storyline of the anime. There is some parts that are like in the anime like, Toga shooting Zero when he's gonna drink Yuki's blood, stuff like that. Well, it IS a fanfiction, I can write whatever I want anyways XD)

Chapter 12

~Yumi's PoV~

After class, the Night Class went straight back to their dorms but I went with Toga-sensei to the headmaster's office. I am so happy that Toga-sensei is here and I can go spend some time with him.

"Hey, Yumi. I'm gonna leave tomorrow, sorry if I just stayed here for one night." Toga-sensei said as he ruffled my hair. I frowned at this.

"But, why Toga-sensei?"

"I got some more job to do and some more vampires to hunt. Dont worry, I'll come again next time." He said and smiled. I smiled back and we continued walking towards the headmaster's office.

When we opened the door, we saw Zero on the floor while the headmaster and Yuki was looking down at him with a worried look. Me and Toga-sensei, walked inside and looked at Zero questionably.

"The hell happened to him?" Toga-sensei asked pointing at Zero. Father/headmaster sighed and pushed up his glasses.

"We tested out the bracelet and the necklace that avoids a Zero to come close to Yuki whenever he tries to drink her blood and it worked, thats why he's on the floor." Father explained as Zero stood up and groaned. I looked at the bracelet he was wearing then Yuki's necklace. Both of them are silver and has a small symbol engraved on it.

"It hurts like hell...." Zero said to himself, Father smiled and chuckled.

"Well, we cant do anything about that. My dear Yumi! Can you please make us some tea? It was cold outside, also me, Toga, and Kaname will be having a meeting tonight." Father said with his childish smile as I sweatdropped and sighed.

"Alright, what kind of tea?"

"Earl Grey!" (Hehehe~) I nodded as I went to the kitchen and started making tea. I remember... that when I was still in the Kuran family, the servants were the ones who taught me how to make tea and how to cook delicious human food. Some of them really liked the taste of human food. Especially Miwa-san, she was like a mother to me, she never ignored me, she loves and takes care of me everytime.

"I did not know human food tastes so good..." The young me said, I was eating pasta and it was cooked by the servants. They also let me drink tea, it was the first time I have tasted a drink like this other than just drink blood. "Umm... Miwa-san, can you teach me how to cook and make tea? It looks fun and I want to try what humans eat or do!" Miwa giggled and nodded. She was the head of the maids of the Kuran family, pretty, smart and very kind.

"Of course, Yumi-sama! Follow me." She said and I did. I watched and memorized every ingredients and instructions she gave me. The servants were the only ones who can teach me everything I want to know, the humans, other types of vampires, our abilities, the vampire hunters, the outside world... everything! My former family, just taught Yuki all they want to teach her. But, it seems the servants knew more than them.

"Yumi-sama....? W-where are you going?!" Miwa asked when I the younger me was about to jump out of the window to run away. I looked at her with tear filled eyes.

"I-Im running away.... I can not take it anymore. My 'family' does not love me, even Onii-sama and it hurts so much...."

"We'll be your family.... Dont you want that?" Miwa said her voice as gentle as an angel and her eyes started filling up with tears. I closed my eyes and let the tears fall freely. I then looked up at her with a sad smile.

"I.... do want that. But, I want to see whats outside this mansion, make friends and discover new things. You and the other servants are my family since I have been ignored by them, I love all of you and forever always in my heart...." Miwa's sobs was heard and I jumped out of the window and sprinted away.

I planned to visit the servants after staying in the Orphanage for a few years but, it seems I do not need to when I heard about what happened. Rido Kuran killed everyone in the mansion but, Kaname and Yuki managed to escape. They said that Rido wants power from someone but never said. I heard from someone that Rido wants to be with that someone to be able to get stronger and they will be more powerful together. And it was one of the Kurans.

It was either me, Kaname or Yuki that he is looking for. What is he gonna do when he got what he wanted? To be more powerful than everyone and rule the world? More questions kept running around in my head but no answers wer found. Those questions will only be answered by Rido.

I do not trust that man. He is a killer. He killed everyone and the servants that I love so much. The servants were my loved ones and now they are gone because of him. And he wants the true power that is sealed inside of me. I have not yet known what this true power that I have and how powerful it is. But, I will know soon and try to control this.

I placed the teaset on the tray and filled the teapot with Earl Grey tea. I picked tray up and walked back to the headmasters office. When I opened the door Kaname was already there, Yuki and Zero were already gone also. I closed the door behind me and placed the tray on the table.

"Thank you, Yumi-chan!" Father exclaimed as I smiled and poured tea in 3 teacups. Mixed them with a cube of sugar and honey. Toga-sensei and Father sipped on their tea and sighed in delight.

"You make the best tea ever." Toga-sensei said and sipped once more.

"Thanks, Toga-sensei. I'll take my leave now." I bowed. I gave Kaname a smile as I started to leave the room.

"Ah! Wait a sec Yumi!" I stopped and turned around when Father called me. He took out a small black box with a white shimmering ribbon on it. "Someone left this in my office a while ago and it is for you." I walked towards his desk and took the small box. I eyed it and looked whoever it is from but found nothing but the small tag on the ribbon addressed to me.

"It says nothing whoever this is from..." I muttered to myself as I opened the lid of the box, inside of the box was a beautiful silver necklace (pic on the side) It was simple and beautiful. I honestly like simple things and this necklace is perfect. Whoever sent this to me, thank you so much!

"A necklace...? Oooh~ maybe its from a secret admirer." Father said and began spinning around on his chair while staring up the ceiling dreamily.

"You have a secret admirer?" Kaname asked as he narrowed his eyes. I smiled and shrugged.

"I really dont know. I want to meet this secret admirer of mine and thank him for sending me thid gift." I said and placed thr lid back on the box. "Anyways, I'll be--" I didnt finish my sentence when I felt someone watching me. I turned around to look out the window, a shadowy figure suddenly disappeared when I spotted him.

"What's wrong Yumi?" Kaname asked. I shook my head and looked back at him.

"Its nothing. I must be seeing things. See you all soon." I bowed and left the office. I walked back to the Moon Dorms.

~Unknown PoV~

Ah~ my dear Yumi, such a beautiful lady indeed. I hope you like my gift for you.

Soon enough, you will be by my side and I will be powerful. When that happens, I will kill the last 2 Kurans for they will only be in my way on ruling the vampires.

Just wait, my precious Yumi, that true power sealed inside of you will be unleashed by you wanting to know about it and control it. Also, you will be my Queen, ruling with me. I have the perfect plan to make it happen.


Oooook then.... This is certainly a crappy chapter, sorry if its short! Anyways I hope ya like it!

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