Chapter 6

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'I was a newborn vampire, weeping at the beauty of the night.'

-Louis (Interview with a Vampire)

Chapter 6

~Flashback~ 3rd Person PoV~

A few days has passed after Yumi ran away, Kaname and some of the servants were still searching for the missing Kuran Princess.

The night was very cold, Yumi was shivering as she continued walking barefooted on the snow, her skin was now pale, her nose red and lips turning blue. The little girl kept walking until she finds a place to stay. The hood she has on is not enough to warm herself up. Her knees gave out making her fall on her knees, she was very tired from walking almost in every cold night. She does not feed on human whenever she sees one, she only hunts animals in the forests to satisfy her thirst. Tears started streaming down her cheeks as a small sob escapes her lips.

"Someone.... please help me...." She cried and her sobs grew louder and louder. Luckily, Kaname and the servants were nowhere near her, Yumi does not evwr want to go back to the mansion, it'll just hurt her and all she does is cry.

"Huh? Is, a little girl crying?" Kaien asked himself when he heard the loud sobbing of Yumi. Kaien gripped his gun and ran towards the direction of the sound. As he was very close, he saw the kneeled little figure of Yumi, who was sobbing in her hands and crying out for someone to help her. Kaien kneeled in front of her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay, little one?" Kaien asked, concern filled his exppression.

Yumi's sobbing grew silent and looked up at Kaien with tears still streaming down her cheeks. When Kaien saw her blue lips and pale skin, his eyes widened and quickly picked her up bridal style. He covered her with his coat and started running towards his home. He certainle does not want a child freeze to death.

As his house came to view, he slammed the door open and put Yumi near the fireplace to warm herself up, Kaien quickly wrapped more blankets around Yumi and he started making hot chocolate for her. Yumi put her hands in front of the fire as her skin and lips slowly turns back to its normal color. Kaien handed her a cup of hot chocolate and she gratefully took it with slightly shaking hands. She took a sip and sighed in delight of the thick and creamy hot chocolate.

Kaien sat down on the floor beside her, "Why would a little girl like you outside in a very cold night?" He tilted his head to the side to be able to see her face. Yumi sniffed and slowly looked at Kaien who's eyes widened and lips slightly parted. "Your Kaname's sister...."

"Please help me! I dont want to go back to them!" She begged and tears streamed down her cheeks. She put the cup down and tackled Kaien in a hug as she sobbed on Kaien's chest. "P-please dont let them take me back to the mansion...." she sobbed, Kaien looked down at her sadly and began stroking the little girl's hair.

"Why...? Your parents might be looking for you." Yumi looked up at him and shook her head.

"N-no they wont...." she murmured making Kaien look at her confused.

"What do you mean, child?"

"T-they dont even know if I exist.... They dont love me anymore, they love Yuki-nee-san more than me. Even Kaname-nii-san! He- he promised that I'll be his future wife but he broke it.... all the promises he made is shattered in pieces like glass.... My, 'family' no longer need me and I am now just Yumi.... I am not a Kuran.... What's the use of using the name Kuran when I no longer exist in the family?" She said to him and continued sobbing quietly on his chest. Kaien stared at the sobbing child in his arms, he was looking at her in sadness and pity for the child, why would a family forget their precious little child? He pulled her away gently and looked down at her with a faint smile.

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