Chapter 18

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[Hey again guys! So, I have a great announcement today! I have decided that I will work on the Vampire Knight FF --that is this time will be a Kaname love story-- right now! Some of you really love Kaname and is eager to read a Kaname fanfic. I will let you guys know if I have published that fanfic as soon as possible. I promise! Like what in A/N (III) said xD just reminding you guys lol

Oh one last thing, should I make a One Shot book? Idk, my frickin hands kept twitching whenever I think about that One Shot book xD it happens whenever I think of a new Fanfiction like the Kaname love story one. So please, comment down below if you guys want the One Shot book.

Thats it! I hope you guys enjoy Chapter 18!]

Chapter 18

~Yumi's PoV~

{The Next Day}

Ever since that night, I could not sleep because of the image of it kept flashing again and again in my mind and I cant help but blush and smile at the thought of it. I was officially Zero's girlfriend and he is officially my boyfriend. I also cant help but hug my pillow closer and bury my face in it. Guess I cant help but feel giddy about it....

A knock interrupted my train of thoughts. I stood up from my bed and walked to open the door. When I opened it, it was Kaname, face void of emotion, eyes slightly glowing, and fists clenched that it turned completely white.

"Kaname? Is something the matter?" I asked, slightly worried and I let him enter my room. I looked at the clock and found that we have a few more hours before our class starts.

"Yumi, tell me. Are you inlove with Zero Kiryuu?" He asked, back turned to me and voice stern sending shivers down my spine. Why does he want to know? And why is he talking to me so sternly?

"I-I....." I blushed and took a deep breath. "Y-yes. I am inlove with him." I suddenly heard my balcony glass door crack and the ceiling also has cracks on them. The balcony door slammed open sending the cold breeze in my room, the curtains swaying and papers from my desk flying.

~Kaname's PoV~

Yes, I was not imagining it. I followed Yumi and Kiryuu to a fountain. Kiryuu confessed his love for Yumi and kissed her, making my blood boil and my eyes glow dangerously. My heart shattered when I heard Yumi confess her love for Kiryuu.

I have not yet felt her soft warm lips on mine but I was longing for the taste of her lips on mine and also, her blood. I heard Kiryuu said it was intoxicating and delicious that he ever tasted. It was always him, he already has Yuki and now my dear lost sister Yumi. I know Yuki also has feelings for Kiryuu. I found out when she showed a picture of Kiryuu and Yumi sleeping under a tree to the Headmaster. The headmaster was simply fangirling about it, while Yuki looked so crestfallen.

When Yuki has her memory back, we will get married soon enough since mother and father wants me to marry her. But, maybe I can change it, right? But then again, I cant choose between them. It is a tough decision for me to make.

"Kaname! What are you so angry about?" I was snapped out of my thoughts by Yumi. Ah yes, my anger made her room have cracks all over the walls, ceilings, and glass. I turned around to face her.

"You do know that he will turn into a mindless Level E and you feeding him is only slowing it down, it does not help much."

"I know that! Why are you talking about him turning into a Level E and I feeding him so sudden?"

"What if thats the only way for him to get an easy snack? To be together with you, as his blood bag to feed on?" she froze and her expression turned thoughtful.

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