Chapter 8

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A/N: Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh!!! 1.05k views and 88 votes!!! Oh my fcking god! Thank you so so so much guys!!! I am literally jumping up and down screaming (luckily my parents arent home) and doing a little happy dance! I am really happy that you guys like this story!

(A/N: Also we have a tie!!! 3 votes for Zero and 3 votes for Kaname!!! I'll give ya'll 5 days to vote!!!)

Thank you soooooooo much, lovelies! Or Brochahos! Or..... whatever! I love you all of you! ♡♡♡

"Evil is always possible. And goodness is eternally difficult."
-Anna Rice (Interview with a Vampire)

Chapter 8

~Zero's PoV~

Pain. Guilt. Disgust is all I feel to myself when I drank her blood, she was so sweet and intoxicating making me want more. I can smell her scent on me, I feel like I'm in a field of roses because of her scent.

Friends.... Yuki seemed to be my friend but, Yumi.... I feel like I want to be more than just a friend. I dont know why. Everytime I see her, she always ended up in my mind, her sweet smile, soft pink lips, angelic voice, and her beautiful reddish brown eyes. I tried to push those thoughts away but, they always come back. I always thought that, I will never fall inlove with someone that I despise their kind very much.

But, when she touched me, though her hands were cold, it felt nice and it was soft like what Aido said. It sent a spark through me and the heavy feeling in my chest seemed to have washed away. I know I despise her kind but her.... I cant hate her, the look she gave me was like the one she gave to the children. Kind. Caring. Loving. And a warm smile on her soft pink lips.

As we stared at each other, my eyes wandered down her nose then her lips. I shook my head slightly then looked back up her eyes, she still wears her smile, and her skin was deathly pale. When the wind blew, Yumi shivered at the cold breeze that flew by, I took my coat off and put it on her shoulders.

She sneezed and sniffed. It was cute. It sounded like a mouse squeaking. She rubbed her nose and slightly grinned sheepishly at me.

"Hehe.... Thank you, Zero. I'll go back to my dorm now." She reached out for my hand and squeezed it, "Remember, I am always here to help you. Dont worry too much about me." She smiled, as she let go and her body started disappearing into leaves, "Good night, Zero." She said and completely disappeared. The leaves were headed to the Moon Dorms. My hand twitched slightly from her touch.

Yumi, what is it that makes my chest warm and think about you everytime? Is it your kindess? How you look on children? Or am I just simply.... growing feelings for you?

~Yumi's PoV~

"Achoo!" I sneezed and sniffed after I turned to leaves and reached my room. I already got a cold, geez.... if I just warm myself up I will be completely fine.

I wrapped Zero's jacket more around me, it was certainly warm and his scent was all over it. Zero.... he must be suffering. He will turn to Level E, and I cannot allow that to happen! I am his friend and I will do whatever it takes to help him.

Friends.... Do I really want to be friends with him? Kaname still has a place in my heart and somehow Zero got in there too. I'm not really sure... I already decided that I will give Kaname a second chance and start over as friends. This will surely make him happy, I just dont want to see the hurt in his eyes anymore, it makes my chest tighten and I will feel very guilty about it.

But, even though he said he still loves me and wants to be his bride, I would always see him wirh Yuki, smiling warmly at her and comforting her in an affectionate way. Pain and jealousy was all I felt when I see him with her. Just like I said when I was a young girl, all my loved ones drifted away from me, even Kaname. It seems that he has a very difficult decision in his heart and that is, should he pick me or Yuki? He will surely pick Yuki, I know it.

A knock on the door snapped me out of my thoughts, I stood up from my bed and opened the door slightly to reveal who it was, Ichijo. My manga buddy.

"Oh, hey Ichijo! Something you need-- Achoo!" I sneezed and sniffed once again. His eyes widened when he saw me.

"Yumi?! Why are you so pale?! And do you have a cold?!" He started examining me and place a hand on my forehead. I covered the bite mark with my hair, they will surely get very angry if they see this.

"E-eh, Ichijo-san! I'm fine, its just a slight cold thats all-- Achoo!" I sneezed and sniffed once again.

"No, you must get in bed and rest!" He suddenly carried my bridal style making me squeak. He gently placed me down in bed and put the blanket over me. "Kaname-sama, asked me to see if you are okay but it seems you have a cold so, please stay in bed and rest Yumi. I must report this to Kaname-sama." He smiled and left the room. I sighed, I dont want to be bedridden all night! Its boring and you just stare up the ceiling thinking stuff and things! The blanket isnt even that warm so I covered myself with Zero's jacket.

Zero. What are you to me? Do I really want to be friends with you? I feel like I want to be more than friends, I want to know more about you and I want to be there to help you whenever you are in trouble.

I was snapped out of my thoughts once again by my door opening and footsteps. I looked to the side and it was Kaname, looking down worriedly at me, he put a chair beside my bed and sat down.

"How did you get a cold? I thought you stayed inside?" His eyes narrowed and tugged at the collar of Zero's jacket, "Where did you get this?" He asked his voice stern and has a hard look on his face.

"I went out hunting a deer to drink. I think I stayed out a little long and I didnt know it was gonna be cold outside. I found Zero, talked a bit and he gave me his jacket when I got a cold." I did not tell him the bite of course and I make sure to not speak in my mind.

~Kaname's PoV~

She was with Kiryuu? His scent was all over Yumi, its revolting. When she said Kiryuu's name it was soft and she smiled. Don't tell me that she fancy him.... I will not allow that, she will only be mine, I will not allow Yumi make Kiryuu her mate.

Though, Yuki.... I love her too, childish, bright and I guess a bit loud. Yumi, kind, quiet, caring and a bit shy. It was a hard decision for me to make.

"Kaname...." I was snapped out of my thoughts when Yumi called me. The way she said my name, so gentle and she sounds like an angel's melody. I looked down at her and she had a warm smile on her soft pink lips. "I forgive you...."

"What do you mean Yumi...?" I asked, confused.

"I forgive you for the promises that you broke and for breaking my heart. I dont want our relationship be like this. Though, I still do not want to be a Kuran, I will still remain as Yumi Bara. Also, about Yuki.... Father-- I mean the headmaster already told me about her being a human, I promise that I will not tell anyone about it." She smiled once again and gently placed a hand on mine. It was so soft and so warm, I held her hand and gently squeezed it. I missed it... I missed her warmth so much...

"I'll give you a second chance Kaname.... How about we start as friends, what do you say?" I looked down at our hands then to her face and smiled.

"Yes... I would love that, Yumi.... Thank you...." she giggled softly, she sat up and hugged me.

"Give me a hug then!" She exclaimed. I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her while gently stroking her hair. She suddenly let go and sneezed. How cute.... she sounds like a mouse squeaking.

I chuckled once again, I gently pushed her back to bed and put the blanket over her. I stood up and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Rest well, Yumi." As I was about to leave, I froze when Yumi said;

"Thank you.... Onii-sama...."

I looked over my shoulder, her back was facing me. I smiled and closed her door. Onii-sama.... She always says that to me, but now we are only friends not sister and brother. It was her choice and I'm not blaming her for that, for she has felt that she is not a Kuran in the family....

'I promise Yumi.... that we will be together once again now that you gave me a second chance.....'

Sorry if its short!
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LOVE YA'LL!!! ♡♡♡

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