Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I woke up from my sleep and saw it was 12:00 PM. I stood up, went to the bathroom and took a shower. I wore a black turtleneck sweater, red skirt, black see through stockings and brown boots. I put the candies and toys in my bag for my little angels. *Chuckles* I treat them like they are my own. I will leave a letter for the Night Class if they come looking for me. I took a paper and pen out. I wrote a letter and placed it on my desk. I walked out of my room and ran towards the headmasters office.

"Hm? Yumi-chan, why are you up so early?" The headmaster asked.

"May I have permission to leave the gates? I need to visit my little ones" His eyes widened. He abruptly stood up and jabbed a finger towards me.

"You are too young to have children!!" He exclaimed making me giggle.

"Headmaster, they are children from the Orphanage. I treat them like they are my own." I said and smiled. The headmaster sighed in relief and sat back down.

"Alright you can leave. But make sure you come back!" I nodded and ran out of his office. I skid to a halt when I saw Zero in front of me.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" Zero asked growling and glared at me. This guy scares me...

"E-eh... U-umm... I'm going out to visit the orphanage..." I stuttered and looked away from him. He stared at me for a second a grabbed my small duffel bag filled with toys and candies. He looked inside and raised an eyebrow.

"What are you gonna do with this crap?" He asked as I grabbed the bag back and slung it around my shoulder.

"It is for my little angels in the orphanage. Now, will you please move out of the way I promised that I will visit them." I know I just moved to this academy but I cant help it. I already miss my little angels. I tried to walk around him but he stepped in the way again, I sighed, "The headmaster gave me permission to leave the gates, so will you please step out of the way?" I said calmly. He stared at me for a while then finally he got out of the away. I thanked him and ran off.

~Zero's PoV~

My heart was beating fast when she was in front of me. What the hell is this feeling? I walked out of her way then she looked up at me and smiled. My heart beated faster and I can heat rising up my face. Seriously, what is wrong with me today?

"Thanks, Zero-kun." She thanked softly and ran off. I stared at her running figure until she disappeared. I cant seem to forget her smile. She was beautiful... wait wait... did I just say that she's beautiful?! She's a damn vampire, the monsters I despise and I was thinking about how beautiful that vampire is?! Gah!!

~Yumi's PoV~

I finally made it, I quickly ran inside and found the kids sitting in the middle of the room. I smiled from ear to ear and ran towards them. They heard my footsteps so they snapped their heads towards me, their face lit up and happily tackled me to a hug causing me to fall backwards. We all laughed and they allow me to sit up but still not letting go.

"I miss all of you, you little critters!" I exclaimed happily.

"We miss you too, Mommy!" They all exclaimed. I kissed them each on their foreheads and hugged them all tightly. They giggled as I grabbed my small duffel bag and opened it.

"Now, line up little ones. I promised that I will give you all presents everytime I visit." I gave them a closed eye smile and they quickly lined up. I gave all of them candies and toys until it runs out.

"Ah! Yumi! You already visited?" Cornelia, the owner of the orphanage said. She walked towards me and smiled, "Really, thank you for everything you have done to this orphanage." She thanked for almost a 100th time.

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