Chapter 39- The Awakening

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"Take a deep breath in through your nose and slowly release it out of your mouth. Concentrate on your breathing, on the rising and falling of your shoulders. Now imagine yourself encapsulated in a ball of white light. Pull it toward you, closer and closer. Keep breathing. Feel your body as it becomes lighter, your head and arms having no weight. Now release your whole being into the ground to become one." She breathed.

Holding the crystal loosely in my hands my fingertips started to tingle. Small shocks of electricity were spidering through them one by one, confusing my senses.

"Feel the energy as it radiates through you. Welcome the sensation of being whole, complete." Abigail whispered. "Roll the crystal between your palms. A heightened sense of awareness should overcome you. What do you see, hear, feel?"

My hands now felt as if they were on fire. The burning ball of energy between them made my body react as the crystal burrowed deep within my very soul, connecting me to the universe.

"My body is light. I can feel the buoyancy of my weight, my connection to the air and water. My mind is quiet, as peaceful as the blowing wind. My hands like fire, erupting as light to my normal darkness." I admitted.

Allowing myself to fall deeper into the serenity of the crystal my ears have now opened. The slight humming of the worlds vibrations have tugged at my attention. Opening every sense to the wonders surrounding me.

"Tell me." Abigail whispered.

"I can hear the swooshing of my blood as it pumps throughout my veins. The sound of footsteps pounding against the ground, and the roots of trees digging deeper within the soil."

"Good. Keep your eyes closed, but open your third eye."

Raising my hands to my head, I gently swiped my still clasped fingers over my forehead, mentally opening my eyes to the light that has filtered in.

I gasped as my vision was perfected. Colors became more vibrant, beautiful. Shapes were becoming more appealing, the mysteriousness of the unknown fading into oblivion.

"I see others," I said quietly. "Their forms are obscured by the white attire and light thats glowing around them. All different colors, blue green, purple are radiating from their hands."

I watched closely as hands were placed gently on unknowing individuals. The light transferred into them, circling every organ and muscle.

"They are chanting, what are they saying? Where am I?" I asked Abigail, who was now in the same realm I was in.

"This is the training area. Each of these men and woman are attempting to heal their host. The chanting is their own personal healing words. As the power is distributed into the ill, these words help ensure it is working."

"So it's almost like a spell?" I asked curiously.

"Yes. Why don't you go ahead and try."

The room was large with just two walls and a corridor that seemed to have gone on forever. Against the walls were cubical looking separators, each healer placed perfectly in the center with their arms stretched out.

Making my way down the hall, dozens of glowing hands and bodies illuminated the nooks, casting hues of colors on the partitions.

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