Chapter 25

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"Daddy! It's my last day of 3rd grade and graduation! You'll be there right?" Peter looked down at the girl who was smiling up at him. He returned her smile.

"Of course I'll be there sweetheart. You know who else will be there?" Camryn shook her head.

"Well papa will be there as well as the rest of the family, Wade will be there, Ned, and we can't forget Mj." The girl cheered happily and hugged Peter. They hear a car honk and Peter grabbed Camryns hand.

"Alright Cam. It's time to go." Camryn squealed excitedly then pulled Peter out of the room.
—time skip—
They were all sitting in the gym, waiting for the graduation to start. Everyone was already in their seats when the schools principal started talking. Peter didn't really pay attention to what he was saying. Then, kids started walking up to the stage. They grabbed a little piece of paper before dropping it off in a basket at the end of the stage. Peter smiled widely as Camryn walked into the stage. Mj grabbed his hand as he kept his eyes on the little girl. Wade wrapped an arm around him and Ned poked him a few times. Peter smiled at his friends, and one person who may or may not be more than that, then went back to watching Camryn. When it was all over, Camryn ran up to Peter and hugged him.

"Look daddy! I'm done with 3rd grade!" Peter smiled at the girl and wiped some of her curls away from her face.

"I know Cam. I'm so proud of you." Camryn hugged him tighter before walking up to the others.

"Hello Mr.Wade!" Wade smiled at the girl softly and waved to her. "How do you know daddy?" He just looked at Peter before smiling at the girl again.

"He's my best friend Camryn." The little girl seemed satisfied with the answer as she walked up to Mj and hugged her almost as tight as she did Peter. Peter just watched fondly until his dad walked up to him and rubbed his back.

"You've been doing good kid." Peter smiles at Tony before pulling him into a quick hug. Camryn joined the hug as well as the others, creating a group hug. Peter just smiled at his family before kissing his little girls forehead softly.

A/N: okay... so I have two different endings (not happening too soon) and I don't know which one to use when we get to that point. Who knows. Not me. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you, in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!!

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