Chapter 8

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We ended up eating lunch at the food court. It's been a while since I've had take out so it was a nice little treat, even though Leandre had to pay for it. I've been trying to think of a way to ask Leandre about this morning with my dad, but I just can't think of how to ask him. I know I need to ask him, but I don't want to just come out and ask. And I don't even know exactly what happened between him and my dad.

"What is on your mind, Niles?" Leandre asks, startling me.

My eyes slide up to look at him, my straw chewed up between my teeth. Leandre's eyes flicker between the straw and my eyes, his eyes always lingering longer on the straw. That's when I realize it's probably turning him on or some weird shit like that. I open my teeth and let the straw pop out of my mouth.

"What were you talking about earlier with my dad?" I ask, deciding to just come out and ask. I can't keep putting it off any longer.

Leandre looks at me for a moment before he sighs and nods his head. "I suppose it is time to discuss that,"

"Why was my dad being a greedy bastard about money? Why are you paying him anyway? Why don't you want him influencing my decision? What is going on, Leandre?"

"I cannot explain why your father is greedy or a bastard, it is just the way some people are I guess, especially when they learn how wealthy I am. I do not want him influencing your decision because the decision is yours alone to make. If you choose to stay here then your father gets no money from me,"

"And by stay here, you mean what? Where would I go, Leandre?"

"Yes, that is sort of a tricky question," He says as he scratches his chin.

My eyes narrow at him. "How is it a tricky question?"

"I told your father I wanted you to work for me, which, that is a real offer, however, I just wanted you closer to me. So, I was thinking, hoping, you would move to Canada with me,"

My eyes widen impossibly wide. "Excuse me? Did you just say Canada?" Now that I think about it, dad did mention something about Canada.

"Yes, Canada," He clarifies. "I live in Canada, that is where my Pride is as well,"

I shake my head and wave my hand in the air to stop his next sentence. "We'll come back to that. First, finish telling me about why you want me to go with you,"

"You are my mate, Niles," He says as if that one word makes everything clear.

"Yeah, and?"

His head tilts to the side. "Long distance relationships should not be a thing. I will not have any long-distance relationship with you, Niles. And I would really like to get to know you better, but that would be very difficult with us being in two different countries and time zones. You working three jobs does not help either. I myself work long hours, however, I am certainly willing to cut back on my hours to spend time with you,"

"Okay, say that I did go to Canada, in theory, what would I do there? Where would I live?"

"You would live in the Pride House, if you wanted, of course. You could do whatever you wanted. You could get a job, work with me, go to school if you wanted. You could pick up a hobby, or just hang out, there are plenty of things you could do,"

"And where in Canada would this be?"

"Right outside Montréal Quebec, about forty minutes out," He tilts his head. "Or, you could live in Montréal. It is a beautiful city to live in. I am in Montréal most days as it is,"

"And what is it you do? My dad mentioned something about a company or something?"

"Cote Enterprise. We are made up of all sorts of different companies. We range from electronics to toys, to restaurants and hotels. Cote Enterprise is the main branch, everything goes through us before any major changes can occur,"

Niles (ManXMan, Werecat)(Book 7) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now