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Mila's POV

After three hours of roaming through the mall, we finally came to a coffee shop in the second floor to take a break. We were seated near the window, which easily gave us a view of the busy mall. I turned away from the window and looked around the coffee shop. The cream-colored tables and chairs looked both cute and classic, paired with the plum walls. Besides, the sweet aroma of coffee and muffins made my mouth water but I obviously ordered a 'Very Berry' smoothie. I took a sip of the cold smoothie and smiled with satisfaction. Damn!

"Oh my! He's sexy! Look. At. That. Body....Yummy!" She said while fanning her face like the drama queen she is. I quickly looked towards the person she was pointing at. Thank goodness the guy she was gazing at couldn't see her through the window. He was having a conversation with some other boys, probably his friends. I have to agree that he's hot, but she's being inappropriate.

"Uhh behave.... Ma! You'll scare that poor guy... and you already have a husband" I whispered.

She rolled her eyes at me and looked back at the guy.

"and two children" I added.

"No. I have one child and a nun living in my house." Mom said and looked at me to emphasize the word nun.

"And since when did you become so.... virtuous and... ladylike? You're so boring." She looked at me with disapproval, both her eyebrows raised. Sadly, my mom hasn't grasped the cool ability to raise one eyebrow. All my lessons down the drain.

"Since the day I learnt about pedophilia and prison time." I replied while slurping the last bit of my smoothie.

"Stop slurping!" She muttered and flicked my forehead.

"Ow! You just implied that being a lady was boring. Stop giving me mixed signals! You're stressing me out." I complained while rubbing my forehead.

"You millennials will be the death of me, Missy." Mom said, stirring a cup of tea and bringing it to her lips.

"And even dinosaurs know not to slurp" She continued. What the hell is wrong with this lady? Who does she think she is? A Paleontologist?

"Ok, Ross! I'll stop slurping." I put my hands up in defense.

"Your father should have washed your mouth with soap when you started to mock people. But no! He gave you lessons on how to be MORE sarcastic. Now look what has happened."

"Truthfully, you were the one who influenced me to master the art of sarcasm, Mommy Bear."

She looked at me with a quick wide smile. "Aww! Really?"

I rolled my eyes at her. "Yes, yes. You're the queen of sarcasm. Happy?"

"All hail the queen. All hail the queen." She said giddily and raised her cup of tea.

"Did you spike your tea with whiskey?" I questioned her, raising my eyebrow.

"Of course not, honey!" She rolled her eyes, just as her phone rang.  After a quick talk with our driver, we left the coffee shop to the exit of the mall where my dad's black SUV was waiting. Our driver Mr. Connor, a sweet man in his mid-50's, has been with our family since my dad was a little kid. He's the awesome human being who encouraged my father to ask mom out when they first met. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have been born and the world would have lost a star. So, you could say that a star was born because of Mr. Connor.

After giving Mr. Connor his coffee and a carrot cake, we set off in the direction of the public library where mom has a Storytime program with the little kids every Saturday afternoon. I pity those innocent souls but truthfully, she's really good at it and the children love her.

10 minutes of "chit chatting" in which I persuaded mom that she can't just ask for a 'cute' firefighter to come during an emergency to rescue me, so that "he could carry you in his strong arms.... Then, you two will fall in love and make little firefighter grandchildren for your dad and I".

After constantly reminding her that "911 doesn't take requests", she finally gave up the idea that I'll ever give her any grandchildren.

However, our "ladies" day out came to an end when the library came to view. I smiled at the memories of the great times I had there when I was young. Mom gave a kiss to my forehead before getting out of the SUV and thanking Mr. Connor. Before we pulled out of the library, she tapped on the window, telling me to lower it.

"One more thing Mila. You will NOT annoy, injure or make any kid cry at the laser tag place. Do I make myself clear, Missy?" She asked in a soft and low tone with a fierce look which scared me to bits.

"Yes, Ma. C-crystal clear." I slightly stuttered. She can be scary sometimes. Dad maybe a big shot in the business world, but mom was the boss at home.

"Great! Bye, honey! I love you!" She said changing her whole demeanor in seconds to her usual cheerful self and waved.

"Bye! Love you too!" I waved back with a huge smile and raised the window up.

"Why do I have this feeling that you're not going to listen to your mother?" I looked up to see Mr. Connor through the rear-view mirror observing me with a knowing look.

"Mom said not to hurt the kids. So, I'm not going to hurt the kids. But...she didn't say anything about the adults..." I said with a smirk while Mr. Connor shook his head with a chuckle and focused on the road.

"Ding Dong, the psycho is coming" I murmured.


A/N – Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Please consider giving it a vote/comment. It would mean a lot.

(I name my chapter titles by just choosing two words from the chapter and adding an "AND" in the middle. They don't usually have a connection either. Thank you for putting up with it.)                                                                                                                                    

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