1K READS! with an apology

1.3K 24 18

We made it! Thanks so much for getting us to 1k reads guys; however, there have been more important stuff on my mind, for example the continuation of this "Talented" story.

The other day I went through the comments, despite the million different interpretion I could have gotten from them, I sort of thought it through as the story isn't good enough. Now guys, you must understand I put a lot of my effort to try to make a story you all would enjoy, basically I write for you guys; therefore it is pointless to keep writing if you guys aren't enjoying it because then I would just be wasting memory on this site along with all your time as there are far far better Bandori/bang dream fan fictions out there example In CiRCLE and Pastel Roses which deserve more attentions than my crap. So there are essentially 4 options on what I could do:

A) Unpublish or delete this story all together.

B) Stop updating and just discontinue the story like this.

C) Rush a (bad) ending, I belive nobody would want this.

D) Continue to write; however, this will only happen if you guys insist I carry on.

While the comments and slow reads aren't the only reason, since I am "an average guy" I am very very busy. Lately I have only been able to write in short burst and update when I forced time into my aggressive schedule which is even more packed because of all the family issues lately.

To sum up, if people aren't enjoying the story, I'll stop writing because it will free up some time. But, if you all still want to read and do not want me to abandon the story, despite my family issues, time constrains and aggressive schedule, I will continue to write. I haven't reached a conclusion on which choice I should carry out, so I leave the future of this "Talented" story up to you comment down below for what you all think I should do.

Still I hope you all enjoyed this short journey while it lasted and I severely apologize, to readers who expected more, for wasting all your time.

Abracadabra (BanG Dream x Male reader) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now