Chapter twenty six

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Once we are finished, Jennie makes no move to leave. She just sits there, arms crossed, staring at the empty containers.

I fiddle with my with my fingers. I wish I had a ring to play with instead, that would be more distracting.


I feel my hands go heavy, "Yeah?"

She takes in a breath, "I uh, I didn't mean to upset you before."

"I wasn't upset." I snap.

"You are now," She mutters.

We return to silence once again. Quietly, I hear the rain begin to fall. I look up at the pale girl in front of me, the droplets must be afraid of her.

I think, when Jennie was young, the rain made the mistake of thundering down onto her window. I can see her waddling over, opening the hatch and facing the rain with her staple glare. If I was the rain, I would instantly fall back. Maybe I would give her a hanky to dry her face off with.

"Why are you staring at me?" Jennie's stern voice snaps me back into reality.

I drowsily reply, "You scare the rain."



She stares at me, confused. Her eyes narrowing, I feel her anger grow stronger, "Kim Jisoo, are you afraid of me?"

"What?" I feel my face redden.

"Let me explain." She leans in, "When we're together, you're more focused on a way to survive than actually spending time with me."

"No, Jennie I am not scared of you," I feel my voice grow angry.

"Then what was that about?"

"I was daydreaming, I tend to do that."

"Day drea- you're just mad at me for taking to KFC." She declares.

"I'm not mad at you for that." I defend.

"For that," She repeats, "Is it because I made you come with me to get the bag?"


"Then what have I done?" She moves back in defeat, "We were friends, good friends. You made sure I got up in the morning and got fresh air at night. Then, all of a sudden, you stop talking to me. You wait until I'm asleep to go to bed, you leave early in the morning before I wake up, you even refuse to wash the dishes in the evening. What have I done to you?"

I sit there in shock. After a few minutes, I begin to regain my own thoughts. I look down at my hands, "I'm sorry."

Jennie relaxes. I hear her take out something from her pocket. She gets up and goes outside, leaving the plastic bag on the floor. A perfect game to play...

What is in that bag? It is for Kia so I assume it's some manly item. It seems to be in a box. The box is big so that rules out condoms, boxers and other scandals that could ruin our careers. Shoes maybe? If it is shoes, then what kind of shoes? Boots, converse, slippers?

No, I really do not care about that box.

I rest my head on my hand, I should not try to distract myself. I need to make up with Jennie, properly. An apology is one thing, but I think I really hurt her. If I did, how am I supposed to make it up to her? I assume flowers are an understatement at this point.

I know what I would want Jennie to do if she upset me. Though, I really think that Jennie would not appreciate me trying to kiss her.

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