Chapter thirty one

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Due to our bad behaviour, both Jennie and I have been banned from leaving the dorm. Jennie has been sulking on the couch. I do not care, I am just happy to be warm and dry.

I sit next to her, trying not to nod off as she explains the past three months of her life. Blah blah blah, boyfriend, blah blah blah, drifting apart, blah blah blah, helping YG.

By the end, I think I caught the gist. Tired, I watch as she begins to nod off. This is the most relaxed I have ever seen her, I was unaware that this girl could slouch.

Her eyes remain open, staring at nothing. Sighing, she closes her eyes. I watch as she crosses her arms and leans her head back onto the the couch. She looks so comfortable, why has this not happened before?

Distantly, I can hear my phone buzz. I do not get up. Quietly, I gaze at the beautiful girl in front of me. A part of me was always concerned that I would never make it but now I know I have to, someone has to look after Jennie.

After a while, I get up, I tip toe my way across the room, making my way to the sink. I carefully pour myself a glass of water, taking a sip. Bored, I swirl the water in my glass, watch as it creates its own little whirlpool. Pressing my lips to the glass again, I take another sip, the cold water rushing through me.

Glancing back at the couch, Jennie is now moving. Sitting up she says, "Can I have a glass?"

Quickly, I pour another one and bring it over to her. She takes it and gulps it down.

"How long was I out for?" She asks.

I shrug, "Fifteen minutes."

Relieved, she takes another mouthful of water. I smile, "Thirsty?"

Glaring, she puts her glass on the coffee table, "Dehydrated."

Much to Jennies confusion, I burst out laughing. I take another sip and sit back down on the couch, "What are we going to do all day?"

Jennie shrugs, "Eat?"

"I'm not hungry."

"Then why did you ask for my opinion?"

I smirk, "I can't read minds."

"Get on that," Jennie rolls her eyes.

Having finished my glass, I get up and put it in the sink, happy that the old Jennie is back. Glancing at the dirty dishes, I think that a clean up is in order. Filling the sink, I add soap and begin to scrub a plate. About half way through I realise that cutlery is disappearing. Looking up, I see that Jennie is drying dishes and putting them away. I look back at the sink and continue to scrub, trying to hide my gratitude. I have no idea what stops this new helpful Jennie.

After I am done, she shoves me out of the kitchen and makes me sit down. Every time I try to see what she is doing, she panics and tells me to turn around.

Playing on my phone, Rosie informs me that there have been several managers in today. Great, I get grounded on the day I could be building connections. I bet the model agencies are there, they are so much fun.

A nice smell fills the room. I hear my stomach growl, "Jennie, what's that?"

"Not for you."

After some time, she returns to me, slouching on the couch and playing with her phone. She smells of vanilla extract. I can see some flour on her arms and hair.

"What were you making?" I ask.

"Once again, not for you."

Sulking, I curl up and look away from her. So this is the way things are now.

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