All Logic gets Thrown out the Window

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//tw: suicide

I'm supposed to be Logic. I'm supposed to know things. I'm supposed to be where Thomas gets all his information.

But, most of the time, I'm not needed. Thomas doesn't ever need to know the scientific name of a tomato, or how dark matter is actually 27% of the Earth. He doesn't need to know how to work punnet squares, or how to find 2x+5=5x+8 (the answer is x=13/3) He doesn't need me.

He needs street smarts. He needs to know how to start conversations and how to keep them going; how to make friends and keep them; you need to make people like you; you have to be funny and you need to know what's cool and what's okay to do in public and what isn't.

He needs Patton. He needs a moral sense and moral standards. Who else will keep Deceit at bay?

He needs Roman. He needs his creativity. How else will videos get done?

He needs Virgil. To keep him stable and not too wild.

Unfortunately, he needs Deceit as well. There are some incidents where lying is inevitable.

He needs all of you.

He doesn't need me.

So I'm going to leave.

Not duck out.



And that's what I did.

After leaving the note on my nightstand, I went into my bathroom and gulped down a whole bottle of pills.

The effect was instantaneous, and my world faded into black.

The regret was also immediate. But I had no time for guilt. Soon enough, death claimed me.

I don't know how they're going to get another Logic. I know Thomas is still going to have a logic. But maybe it just won't have a physical  form.

Oh well.

It's for the best.

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