Furious Love-Logince

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// CuteCupid673 

//are you pwoud?

//tw: shouting, i guess.

"YOU NEVER LISTEN TO MY GODDAMN IDEAS!" Roman shouted at Logan at the top of his lungs.

"AND YOU LISTEN TO MINE?" Logan yelled back.

"I MEAN, AT LEAST I DON'T CALL THEM SHITTY!" Roman retorted, crossing his arms, his glare full of fury.

Logan scoffed and rolled his eyes. "I don't think you realize, but YOU DO CALL THEM SHITTY!"

Patton stormed into the kitchen and dragged Roman away as Virgil walked in and took Logan.

Roman followed Patton, grumbling about how annoying Logan could get.

Patton led him to his room, and they sat down on Patton's couch. "Now, Roman, I know how you feel about Logan-"


Patton sighed. "No, that's not what I meant, kiddo.

Roman's brows furrowed and he stared at Patton in confusion. "Then... what are you talking about...?"

"You love him."

Roman went bright red. "I-uhm-what-?" He laughed nervously. "I do not-!"

Patton quirked an eyebrow. "Roman, I am Thomas's morality and heart. I can tell what someone's feeling, how strongly they're feeling it, and why. I'm not as oblivious as I seem."

Roman sighed. He had a point... "...fine... I may or may not... like... him..."

Patton smiled slightly. "Then I suggest you try to be nicer to him. Maybe he'll tell you, if you make your friendship seem less like you two are nemeses."

"Wait-tell me what-?"

Patton winked knowingly. "You'll see." And he left.

Roman sat there for a moment, confused. Did he make it that obvious...? No, it can't be. And what was Patton talking about? What would Logan want to tell him?

He shrugged it off and stood. He left the room and went to his own.

~two weeks later~

Roman and Logan hadn't had a fight for two weeks. They were able to live in peace. At least, until now.

Roman had completely blown up at Logan, who had made a snide remark on one of his ideas for a video. He lost complete control of what he was saying.


When Roman said that, his eyes widened and he clasped a hand over his mouth. Patton peered at Logan, looking to see what he would do.

Logan was staring at Roman in shock. His mouth was agape, and he blinked a couple times, as if processing the information. "You... you what?"

Roman backed away slightly. "I... I... I didn't mean to say that..." he mumbled.

Now both Patton and Virgil were staring at Logan.

Roman just turned and ran off, unable to wait for Logan's reaction.

"Well? Go after him!" Patton urged. "Tell him!"

Logan's eyes flitted around nervously and he ran off after Roman. "Roman? Roman!"

"Go away!" Roman was in his room.

Logan knocked on the door. "Come on... can we please talk... in a civil way... about this...?"

Roman sighed and stood. He opened the door. He stared down at Logan's shoes, unable to look him in the eye.

"Roman... you should've told me earlier...." He whispered.

He finally looked up. "And why would I do that?! It's not like it would benefit me."

"Actually, it would. Because then I would've done this earlier." Logan bent down and gave him a soft peck on the lips. It was short, but it was all Roman needed.

Roman stood there, dumbfounded. "You... did you... just... kiss me...?"

Logan smiled slightly. "Mhm."

He pulled Logan in by the collar and kissed him passionately. Logan was surprised, by eventually kissed back. They only parted when Patton screamed, "FINALLY!" from behind them, scaring the shit out of the both of them.

Patton and Virgil stayed single happily, and Logan and Roman eventually stopped fighting as much. They still acted like an old married couple, but they always made up, and they had their happily ever after.

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