The Stars-Logicality

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//the song in the story is called Good To You, it's by Marianas Trench. It's really good, go check it out

//this story is dedicated to Switched-Sides

//I know this is really late, but Happy Four Month! (I hadn't been able to finish it until now)

//I hope you like it, babe

The stars are calming things. They're always there, permanent, shining in the sky no matter what.

Logan liked the stars. They help him work and calm down. They entertain him and help him fall asleep.

The stars remind him of someone. Patton.

Patton, the person that is always shining, always joyful and bright. The only one that seems to not be annoyed of him...

He shook the pathetic thought away. Of course Patton's annoyed by him. Everyone is. Patton's probably just better at hiding it.

He sighed and decided to walk up to the ceiling so he could have a better view of the stars. He opened his door quietly and slid out, tip-toeing to the roof. Once he got there, he let out a breath of relief and sat down, his legs crossed. He leaned back and let his barrier down. No one was here to judge him or hear him. He was free.

"Everyone's around

No words are coming now

And I can't find my breath.

Can we just say the rest with no sound?

And I know this isn't enough

I still don't measure up

And I'm not prepared

Sorry is never there when you need it..., " he sang quietly to himself. He knew who he was talking about. Patton. He had figured it out a long time ago, the fact that he was in love with the moral trait, but he tried not to pay attention to it. But look at him now... he was singing about him...

"And I do want you to know

I hold you up above everyone..."

And suddenly someone was singing with him.

"And I do want you to know

I think you'd be good to me

And I'd be so good to you..."

His brows furrowed and he looked to his side and saw Patton sitting there next to him, smiling softly and looking out at the horizon as he sang along.

"I would..."

"I thought I saw a sign

Somewhere between the lines

But maybe it's me

Maybe I only see what I want ..."

Logan stared at him as he sang, unable to join in like he was supposed to.

"I still have your letter

Just got caught between someone I just invented

Who I really am and who I've become...."

Patton turned to look at Logan and they sang the chorus together, gazing at each other, the moonlight shining in their eyes.

"And I do want you to know

I hold you up above everyone

And I do want you to know

I think you'd be good to me

And I'd be so good to you..."

Patton smiled at him softly. "I didn't know you could sing so beautifully, Logan..."

He blushed lightly. "I... uhm... thank you..."

Patton giggled a little. He leaned his head on Logan's shoulder. "Can I ask you something...?"

Logan panicked for a moment, but he didn't let it show. "What is it?"

"Why do you stay in your room so much...?"

He thought for a moment, debating on how to answer the question. "I have a lot of work to do," he said. It wasn't a complete lie... He did have a lot of work to do... But that wasn't why he stayed in his room.

Patton seemed to sense that Logan wasn't telling him the full truth. "Why else?"

"I... There's no other reason..." he lied.

Patton was obviously unconvinced.

"Okay, fine. I don't feel needed... happy?"

Patton's gaze turned sad, caring. "Logan... That isn't true..."

"Really? Then why does Roman deflate every time I just walk into the room, without even saying anything? Why does Virgil go quiet when I'm around? Why do you lose some of your usual joyfulness? Because I don't belong. None of you like me. You never have. It's just the truth." He turned his gaze away, his eyes burning, tears threatening to fall down his cheeks. He felt Patton turn his head back to facing him gently.

"Logan..." he whispered again. "That's not how it is..."

"Really?" His voice wavered. "Because I see it differently."

"You asked me why I lose some of my joyfulness when you walk in the room, right?"

Logan nodded.

"Well, since I can't really speak for Virgil and Roman, let me explain myself. The reason I seem to lose some of my joyfulness when you walk into the room is because... well... you make me nervous..."

Logan's brows furrowed. "Nervous? Why?"

"Because... because... I..."

He noticed that Patton was having trouble with getting the words out and he waited, somewhat impatiently, wanting to know what Patton wanted to say.

"I... I love you, Logan... a lot... and I don't want to mess up around you... but I guess I kinda have, haven't I..." He gave a weak laugh.

Logan stared at him for a moment, blinked, and continued staring. "You... uh... you what now?"

"I love you..." he repeated glumly. "Though you probably don't feel the same..."

"No, Patton, I-uhm-I do... feel the same..."

Patton looked up, what seemed to be surprise in his gaze. "You... you do..?"

He nodded.

"I... uhm..."

Logan bit his bottom lip. "Can I... can I try something..?"

"I... uh... What is it..?"

"Can I... can I kiss you..?"

Patton blushed brightly. "I-uh-of course-!"

Logan leaned in slowly. Soon, their lips intertwined, and they were kissing softly.

Patton wrapped his arms around Logan's neck, closing his eyes. Logan pulled him as close as possible, their bodies pressed against one another's. They held each other close.

Logan pulled away only enough to let the cold air slip in between them. They were both smiling softly, their gazes loving and caring.

"I love you, Logan... I always have..."

"I love you too, Patton..."

From that day on, Patton helped Logan through all his doubts and worries, and Logan helped Patton when it was needed. Eventually, Logan started coming out of his room more often, realizing his mind had just made up the fact that everyone deflated when he walked in.

And they lived happily ever after.

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