Say You Won't Let Go-Prinxiety

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//song is Say You Won't Let Go by James Arthur


"Yeah, kiddo?" Patton looked up at Roman.

"I have a problem...." He rubbed his arm nervously.

"What is it?"

"I... I would like to tell Virgil how I feel...." he whispered. Patton already knew about Roman's huge crush on the anxious side, and has been bugging him to confess ever since he found out, "but I don't know how... I was hoping you could help me come up with something...."

Patton smiled and bit his bottom lip, tilting his head to the side slightly. "Virgil doesn't like big gestures... maybe something small, but still heartfelt and cute..." he mused. Suddenly, he perked up. "How about you sing a love song?"

Roman grinned, the perfect song already in mind. "That's an amazing idea!" He rushed off with a quick "thank you."

He ran to his room and immediately grabbed his phone, headphones, and guitar. He started learning the song, slowly but surely.

~one week later~

Roman came out of his room. His room was finally clean, after hours of tidying it and going over the chords and lyrics in his head for the thousandth time. As he was looking for Virgil, he bumped into Patton. "Hello there, Patton. Have you seen Virgil, by any chance?"

Patton smiled slightly. "I think he's his room, like always. Why?"

Roman rolled his eyes, a light blush appearing on his cheeks. "You know why." He shoved past the cardigan clad claud and headed towards Virgil's room. He knocked on the door, rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet anxiously.

Virgil opened the door, his eyes dull, as if he didn't get any sleep last night. He had his headphones on, and when he saw Roman, he brightened ever so slightly—or maybe that was just Roman's imagination. He paused the music and let the headphones fall down and hang around his neck "What is it?" He managed to maintain a sort of annoyed tone, though his eyes were merely teasing.

Roman smiled slightly. "There's something I want to show you. Come with me."

Virgil raised an eyebrow. "Okay, just one sec." He retreated back into his room. Roman could hear his set his headphones down, and he emerged not too long after. He closed the door behind him and followed Roman to his room, his brows furrowed in what Roman thought was confusion.

He let Virgil in his room and closed the door behind them, watching Virgil turn around slowly and inspect the room. "I just realized I've never been in here..." Virgil mumbled. He looked at Roman. "It's so... clean."

Roman shrugged. "Trust me, it was not this clean two hours ago."

Virgil giggled a bit, and Roman gestured for him to sit down on the bed. He did. Roman picked up his guitar and sat down next to him. He situated himself, holding the guitar against his chest. He took a deep breath. "So I wanted to tell you something," he started, looking down at the guitar, unable to meet Virgil's gaze, "but I didn't know how. So I asked Patton what I should do and he suggested that I sing a song, since I seem to enjoy doing that. So, yeah... Here we go..."

He started strumming the guitar, playing Say You Won't Let Go by James Arthur.

"I met you in the dark, You lit me up

You made me feel as though I was enough

We danced the night away, we drank too much

I held your hair back when

You were throwing up

When you smiled over your shoulder

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