Chapter 26

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Dedicated to moolittle95. Thank you for being one of those that actually took the time to comment I hope to hear from you again :)


Out of the corner of my eye I spotted a blur of a shadow. Heart thumping wild and erratically with a panicking fright, I called out

"Rick? Chris?" still no one answered.

Forcing myself from my panicked state, I rose from my spot next to the unconcious agents and walke towards an escape hatch, but not before the blurry shadow stopped in front of me.

"AAAAHHH!" I screamed out (obviously) for in front of me stood the unmistakable, and unforgetable cloaked man.


Before I could move my feet so much as an inch, he already had a gloved hand on my mouth, and the  last thing I remember seeing before blacking out were grey eyes.


Blake POV

"Take me by the tounge and i'll know you. Kiss me til i'm drunk and i'll own you with them moves like jagger, i've got them moves like jagger-"

The sound of my phone ringing awoke me from my sleep.

"Hello?" I answered groggily, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I squinted at the digital clock on my nightstand. Three in the morning?! Who would call at this early hour?

"Paxton" It didn't take a genius to know it was Tom

"Yeah Boss what's going?" I asked still sleepily

"Aren't you supposed to be working?" he asked buisness-like, nothing different.

"Well that's why there are other gaurds on night duty taking turns, plus Sophia sharing a room with said job" I answered.

"Don't get smart with me young man" he sounded pretty angry. You could tell by the way he tried to hold in his voice "Report to headquarters this morning. Your flight leaves in three hours. There will be someone to take you to the airport in one hour."

"One hour?!" I hastily jumped out of bed and lugged a carry on bag. We hardly ever stay for more than a day so I shoved two days' worth in my bag, showered as quick as possible, and headed out the door just as my ride came in through the drive.

"Morning Jack" I greeted the agencies chauffer 

"Morning Blake" he greeted. Jack was one of the oldest members of the agencies. He'd had his share of action but wasnow close to retiring and settled on chauffering for my family, mostly for the thing he had for my Aunt. He's a great man, and he's the only one besides my family, the boss, Ben, Chris, Rick, and Dean whom I allow to use my first name. And Coral of course.

"Oh hey Jack" I called over to him as I set my luggage in the backseat.

"Yes Blake"

"I forgot something in the house i'll be right out. Won't be long"

He waved his okay as I headed in the house and up to my room. I grabbed my phone and locked my door. Before I got downstairs and opened her door.

The black-haired beauty still slept peacefully. I'd give anything to have her in my arms right now. I looked over at Sophia's side of the bed to find that she was gone. That's odd. I checked the entire room to make sure there was nothing dangerous around. Crazy I know, but can you blame me? I was completely fallen for this girl. I quietly checked so as not to wake her up when I noticed a piece of paper on Sophias bed.

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