Prologues: Introduction - Y (Part 1)

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a young girl sat perched on a long rusting steel pipe that ran along the side of a wall of a building too high to measure. the buildings themselves were so many in number it was hard to tell where one building ended and the next one started. the sunlight barely trickled in through the tightly packed buildings down below to where the girl sat patiently. she slowly and carefully slid the strap attached to a crossbow slung over her shoulder off and held it before her taking aim at something below.

that something moved in the silent, damp darkness and she followed it with her crossbows iron-sights. she could barely see it but it was the figure of another person, a man. she moved the iron-sights upward to her level following the faint sound of a small machine like hum. a small red light flickered briefly and the girl pulled the trigger of her bow in an instant, launching a bolt with swift and silent precision. what followed was the sound of some sort of object crashing to the floor below. The girl took a small jump off the pipe to the floor below. she ran briskly to the impact sound.

the man now standing under the glow from a dimly lit and barely functioning over head light held a rounded almost saucer like device in his hand. a crossbow bolt was pierced through it. he couldn't have been any older than his early 20s. he had jet black hair that was pulled back in a bun behind his head. he had narrow eyes and a sharp goatee growing from his chin. he held a composite hunting bow in his other hand. he looked up from the bolted object as the girl stepped into the light. she brushed her chin length champagne colored hair to the side behind her ear.

"Hans, i told you the flying drones are patrolling more often. How many times have i saved your butt now?" the girl smiled and quickly yanked the bolt back out of the apparent droid she had shot.

"lets see if i tally up all the times we went on runs together and add this one in id say you saved my "butt" at least... 0 times." the young man named Hans smiled cheekily back and tossed the broken machine behind him.

"if only your survival instincts were as big as your ego." the girl rolled her eyes. "now would you get serious? you may be older than me and have gone out here in the danger zone more than me but you're still just a dumb boy. i've been coming out to this sector a lot and i know the patterns of these droids too well."

"yes, please enlighten me, Miss Yeri, she who knows all about sector 5." Hans said sarcastically.

"did i not explain before coming out here that the noisy foot patrol droids were not roaming as much recently?" Yeri asked raising her eyebrows "and exactly how many of those walking noise machines did we encounter since we've been out here? well lets see id say the exact number of times you claim i saved your butt. 0." she said with a smug half smile and putting her crossbow back on her shoulder. "the droids are adapting. you should do the same."

the 2 walked on in the alleyways that were more like large tunnels..

"i wonder what this place looked like before the robots took over." Yeri said looking at the abandoned city structures around her.

"bright. crowded. noisy. everything it isnt now." Hans replied.

"you think it will ever go back? that we can take it back?" Yeri asked.

"even if we managed to find a way to stop the machines, i don't know if the people living now would know what to do with this place. it's so ... vast. i don't mean in just size either. thats why humans depended on the machines... and theres so few humans left now, how could we ever begin to restore it all." Hans wondered.

Hans lead the way as the duo eventually reached a huge industrialized building. Yeri looked around before nodding to Hans signaling it was clear. they quickly darted into the building.

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